Stop Calling Sssniperwolf a Psychopath. @That Vegan Teacher

15 January 2022 [link youtube]

Share the link. You know more people need to see it. Maybe @SSSniperWolf will get the message, and maybe someone else will see it, before they become the next Sssniperwolf. #vegan #vegans #veganism The future of veganism is on trial. Check out the fundraiser: And you may or may not be surprised to learn that I have a whole playlist of videos on this topic… and no, I don't mean a playlist about ThatVeganTeacher… and I don't mean a playlist about Sniperwolf…

Youtube Automatic Transcription

in the great debate between that vegan teacher and sniper wolf i'm actually inclined to be on sniper wolf's side and it's not because she's attractive it's not because she's famous it's not because she's hot it has a lot more to do with the fact that i'm attractive that that i'm famous and and i'm hot and no no no i'm not saying that us hot attractive famous people have to stick together but hear me out here look all those times that sniper wolf was making those videos saying how she was unsympathetic towards animals and how she even admitted herself that she's not a caring person that she doesn't have empathy maybe that should have been an alarm bell for many of sniper wolves fans [Music] you know they say that when you are cruel to animals you don't care about animals that this then the next phase is that you are also cruel and unkind to humans often they they talk about that with with small children if you see certain children hurting animals that this is a really dangerous sign that this could move on to hurting humans physically i mean now i'm not saying that she's like that how would you like it if somebody you loved or you yourself says sniper wolf were tied down like this put in a stall you can't even turn around and somebody is sexually assaulting you mutilating you by shoving these things on you and stealing your milk is this really something that you want to condone or does something here feel just wrong just really wrong and if it doesn't feel wrong then maybe you are a tiny minority of the people on this planet who are psychopaths i like empathy i lack empathy i lack empathy i'm not vegan therefore i am evil sniper wolf is in the position of having huge numbers of vegans inform her that she's a psychopath and in so doing the vegans are trying to drag a deeply subjective cultural political debate into the realm of the medical sciences they're trying to treat it as a simple scientific fact that some people are born with a mental disability that makes them incapable of feeling empathy and thus less likely to um to become vegan tell me is that is that is that how we abolished slavery back at a time when like 90 of people supported slavery did we advance the argument that oh oh you'd have to be a psychopath you'd have to be born with this mysterious mental illness that there's absolutely no falsifiable scientific evidence for whatsoever oh and it's not rare no no no no more than 90 percent of people have this is that is that how we made progress toward the abolitionist sleeping how about um how about gay rights the progress toward gay equality gay rights gay marriage this kind of thing really the single greatest accomplishment in politics in my lifetime the single greatest change or transformation did we do we accomplished that by claiming everyone who was homophobic had some kind of innate mental disability learning disability akin to being a psychopath this this myth we've made up that a certain stereotype of behavior makes you a psychopath this myth we've made up that if you if you disagree with me there's something wrong with you you were born this way and you're gonna die this way any physically real mental condition is gonna show up in an autopsy if you die in an avalanche that's a rule of thumb if you have malaria all right and you die in an avalanche we can we can perform an autopsy and we can prove that at the time of your death while skiing in the mountains in switzerland your hip by you had malaria okay now diabetes we can prove that you had diabetes you know what some very subtle behavioral disorders they are physically real and i've known people who had them you might meet someone who has a stutter you might meet someone who has strange blanks in their speech where they stop talking and you might think it's an emotional problem you might think it's an educational problem that a bad time in school you might think it's a purely subjective problem having to do with their feelings or their attitudes or that they could overcome through better training and you know what if they die in an avalanche you can actually bisect the brain you can perform an autopsy and you can show the malformation in the brain you can show the hole in the brain that they actually did have a medically real problem something physically wrong with their brain and that's why they stuttered that's why they struggled to speak or even that's why they struggle to read a book i've known quite a few different people who have those kinds of conditions in my life and and again it's easy to misinterpret what's wrong with them or are they are they nervous because i'm famous they're nervous that they're meeting me are they nervous for this reason were they beaten by their parents as a child they have a bad mother they have a bad teacher they have a bad childhood and i've had those people say to me look you have to understand i can show you an x-ray of my brain i can show you an mri scan of my brain and there's a hole in it they have a physically real medically real condition and that is exactly what these merely cultural notions these stereotypes we have about psychopaths and sociopaths and satanists and witches and witchcrafts and other boogeymen that is exactly what the myth of the psychopath can never be it can never mean that for you for me for any of us or for the future of this political movement called veganism so i'm not just making the claim that it's strategically counterproductive to call sniperworth [Laughter] it's the cold sniper wolf a psychopath there's a tongue twister i know what it's like to be hot and famous on the internet and you know yeah you know it's a very particular kind of person who feels motivated to send me messages on instagram and that glimmer of hope that they're going to be that one special person i i cheat on my girlfriend with and it probably takes a special kind of person to write into sniper rifle also and get in touch that's the thing this is why i relate to sniper this is why i'm on her side above all else these women when they write into me if i click over to see their instagram profile to see their facebook profile what's the first [ __ ] thing i'm looking at it's them holding up a dog and yeah sometimes it's a little puppy this is a huge dog it's them kissing this dog it's them virtue signaling what a loving warm wonderful person they are what an ethical person they are because they take care of animals and they'll tell you in the text the whole [ __ ] story of this dog how they rescued it how they got it from a shelter and how they're so proud to spend all their time and money grooming this dog picking up the poo after this dog feeding its special special kibbles for its special needs their whole [ __ ] life revolves around taking care of this dog and if it's not a dog it's a cat and if it's not a cat it's 10 gerbils or 24 bunny rabbits all right and the same way that vegan teacher feels about sniper wolf or they look at her and they think she's mentally disabled they think she's a psychopath they think she's totally immoral that's the way i feel when i look at my fellow vegans even the ones who are literally trying to [ __ ] me the ones who are writing to me flattering me trying to seduce me when i look at them and i see them holding up a dog holding up a cat and they just can't even mentate what's wrong with this situation they can't look in the mirror and find any fault in themselves so if we're going to start calling ninety percent of people psychopaths or ninety percent of people narcissists or whatever the currently fashionable scientifically non-falsifiable bogeyman is for our era on planet we're gonna we're gonna start doing that all the people who eat meat all the people who are vegan but are raising pets all the people who are vegan but who make excuses for smoking marijuana all the people who are vegan but make excuses for taking benzodiazepines all the people who are vegan but make excuses for taking antidepressants and taking antidepressants during pregnancy all the people who are vegan and are gambling addicts at the casino we live in a world where the vast majority of people are making totally irrational totally immoral decisions every day their whole lives long and it's not because they're psychopaths it's because they're stupid they're ignorant they're self-centered they're lazy they're bad and they're wrong and there is no more thankless task in the world than coming on youtube every day and telling people you're bad and evil and wrong and 99 of people are gonna respond to that news negatively and there's gonna be that one percent there's gonna be that tiny minority who respond to it positively because they realize hey i'm not born this way i don't have to die this way it's not a mental disability i can change starting today it's the traditional christmas dinner but have you ever given much thought to where your turkey comes from farmer matt carter is giving his customers a very clear insight offering them the chance to not only hand pick but feed look after and name their turkey all before it's slaughtered for christmas as you can imagine this initiative hasn't gone down well with vegans who have accused him of being a murderer and a psychopath we've had we've had a lot of people take us up on the offer and then we also had a lot of people who were violently against against us and they didn't want us to do it they wanted to take the post down and then we had a graffiti across the front of the doors of the farm shop people should know where their meat comes from and if you're going to buy meat then then why not why not know that it's come from an ethical farm that's well looked after and the turkeys have been free range and had a good life can i ask the question yeah of course and what what do you mean by ethical exactly well being well looked after we they're free range there's they're slaughtered humanely in well and and look after the best way what is a humane slaughter exactly well the in the most stress-free possible what does that entail well it entails killing the turkey there's no other way of getting your christmas dinner without killing the turkey just out of interest how do you kill the turkey so is there any point that you agree with here at first obviously i was a bit like this is kind of psychotic because you know this is the kind of way that you would treat a pet um well you did actually say anyone who names their turkey anyone who goes onto that farm and does that is psychotic yeah i guess one of the biggest aspects of sociopaths is that they don't have empathy right [Music] [Music] and that was really emphasized how they could do anything and get get away with it they manipulate they deceive [Music] sociopathy or antisocial disorder is not something is not curable [Music] can be traded but it's not curable it's very very difficult because of the level of manipulation that a lot of sociopaths exhibit as a part of their characteristics because of how their brain is functioning like an anti-social personality disorder because they don't feel empathy you know they don't feel these things so what's the point you know that could be a line of thought they are not human i don't have anti-social personality disorder so i can't say i know what's in their minds but it's kind of like it's also sad for me they can't really enjoy the simple things in life the little things in life that bring me joy like my cats like what kind of societal advantage am i gonna get from adopting cats not much they cost a lot of money because you know they're living things um they won't help me make more money they are not gonna get me better jobs or whatever could get me power but they just make me happy they bring me joy [Music] if my point is that what you're doing is immoral the last thing i want to do is say you are mentally handicapped and that's why you're doing this immoral thing now it makes even less sense when you're claiming 95 to 98 of humanity is mentally handicapped and we've all been through this before with narcissism people start defining narcissism so broadly that 95 of people are narcissists people start defining uh depression so broadly that 95 of humanity is depressed and we have these kind of pseudo-medical psychological notions and they soon uh envelop the whole wide world the absurdity is you look at these people their definition of sanity this woman i have a clip from her proof that she is seen and compassionate and loving and that she's not a psychopath and she's not a sociopath is that she owns cats she keeps cats as pets and that's her proof that she's a good person and that she's sane unlike these psychopaths she's pointing the finger this is a professional therapist she doesn't just see nothing wrong with taking an obligate carnivore and cutting off its balls declawing it removing its reproductive organs male or female training it not to live as a solitary predator in the forest but to live as a plaything on her couch and on her carpet and then killing cows buying the cows cut up and crammed into a little metal can and spooting that out for this obvious carnivore to eat the whole relationship between human being and cat and her description of the love she feels and the gratification she's presenting this with no sense of humor no joke none zero irony she's presenting this as proof positive of her sanity and from my perspective it's like lady you are indicting yourself as something well let's not say it's insane let's just say it's immoral and then the other contrast you guys just saw is someone advancing the idea that they're a morally good and pure and caring person because they take the time to pet and cuddle and care for and give a name to a turkey to treat a turkey like a pet before they slit the turkey's throat kill it and eat it and from one side this is proof positive that quote unquote you're a psychopath and from the other side it's proof positive that they're caring and compassionate that they're they're a better person than someone who did none of those things [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] and they also use once the animals are rehabilitated it could take some some time but once the animals are rehabilitated they use that animal interaction with with children at risk youth and special needs kids to to help them heal as well [Music] i open their doggy door again i'm always keeping it open during the day i haven't opened it in a long time i just want to watch them whenever they go out and take them out myself every day [Music] a ba le ciel