Still Not Boxing? Durianrider: Defamation & the Damage Done.

14 December 2017 [link youtube]

This does contain a screen-shot of Durianrider's reply, and (in the final few minutes) a minor update on the court-case (we are in Chiang Mai in order to attend the next hearing). However, the major theme here is, indeed, "Defamation and the damage done".

Youtube Automatic Transcription

I've been on the record of this for
years I think that you know if vegans want to abolish fox hunting we have to provide a better alternative you know we have to put a vegan alternative to fox hunting so if we can't do vegan fox hunting you know tofu based fox hunting no no in Canada this is not gonna hunt moose in Canada vegan vegan who's hunting right so my girlfriend is saying that duck hunt for the Nintendo Entertainment System is already a vehicle that's replace nothing [Music] hey guys what's up I'm live-streaming with my girlfriend off camera she might make some noises or chime in if pipefitter joined that discussion at some point uh this is a follow-up that for some of you will come as no surprise but it's a little bit surprising to me obviously many of my viewers know durianrider better than I do many of my viewers were completely convinced from the start that won the boxing match with durianrider would never happen and to the reason why it would never happen would be because during Ryder didn't stand a chance of winning no neither of those things were really clear to me I mean you saw a babe my girlfriend here she heard me talking about this before we went public with the video I thought I said yeah you know during rider he could win I thought he totally stood a good chance of winning and we just checked his channel and saw what kind of condition he's in and so on again he and I are about the same height we're about the same age and beyond that like guys it's a charity boxing match nobody's gonna get hurt like I've offered in the past to do a charity boxing match with vegan gains I don't think I would win it I offered to a charity boxing match with with Jason Posey no but like this is not like buying an airplane ticket to a war zone which I've done in the past I've actually done that it did volunteer work very work hilariously you know I was in one of the areas where the Civil War was just and they were just doing the armistice and the negotiations at that time the last of the Yao rebels in northwestern Laos and the border between Laos in the or but that's another story but hey you know it's not like going to a war zone it's not even as dangerous as downhill skiing I mean you know talking about charity boxing that's not that big deal so I even if I was gonna lose I might do a boxing match knowing I'm gonna lose it's okay I'll do my best but you know so likewise I thought during rider might do it even if he knows he's gonna lose try to put a positive ending on what's been a tremendously negative situation for him and myself I mean I think it's more negative for me than his for him but it's destroyed his career his career is over his career as a youtuber is over his status as a symbol in the world of diet and exercise and vegan activism is over and at a minimum his conflict and it was a huge catalyst for that but at a maximum you really can't say this is the you know I don't know this is the nail that punctured the tire whatever was the same and this was huge part is death fall so um look some of you guys evidently know durianrider better than I do and we got some really interesting comments on my on my youtube video of people who said exactly predicted exactly what did happen they said no during what writer would refuse on account of his weight class that his body weight is not same as mine and I've said back about this also freely herself has said that he lies about his weight I think he must either be lying about his weight or lying about his height or both today at the gym it just struck me I was lifting weights I was doing the bench press with Melissa with my girlfriend and I said to her you realize right now I'm lifting more weight than Durham Ryder's entire physical frame just ridiculous like it's so this guy is the same height as I am anyways less than this now on the same time course every time I do a push-up I put the push-ups in last videos I do these kind of push-ups on a 45 degree angle kind of thing I'm lifting about my own body weights no great feat but nevertheless that's that's hard for me to visualize but in case people are new during writer better than I did Rodian saying one he'd never actually do the fight to that he would use the excuse of of his of his body weight being lower than mine I think there was a point three and point four but now vegan foot soldier commented it's a shame that dr's know is bigger than his balls minor equally proportioned which is why at 65 kilograms I argued with logic rather than fists so I can believe foot soldier 65 kilograms I don't know is his height but that's believable to me protip : avoid violence at all costs until you're attacked then switch like a [ __ ] psycho the if verse isn't a good look at all ie being a [ __ ] psycho all the time and then switching and become a coward when Violet shows up yeah so we'll sit on I'm vegan since lose point but look at the main point I'm gonna come to in this video is about the fact that actually the lies to reminders told about me influenced a lot of people more than they know and it's not a laughing matter the foot soldier I think is an example of that you know I had this surreal email correspondence with him trying to set up an interview was to do for his channel trying to set up a Skype call and I really think on a deep level what Saul himself my deputy but he was responding stuff I'm saying as if he's like oh you're trying to manipulate me and you're lying about this you want that it's like dude I'm stating plain facts as plainly as I can so think even he is a guy who at least at that time you know just how he was hearing me how he was perceiving me was really kind of warped and twisted by this campaign of Lies and slander and defamation the during writer did carry on for such a long time and then the type of people who watch a lot of videos on vegan YouTube certainly they're they're influenced by and with this is a couple of comments here I screenshotted from reddit this one kind of stood out to me I'll read this aloud here is my take : durianrider perceives this man as a threat to his little Empire I can't retaliate with logic and reason mazzard has published videos outlining the shortcomings of Tahrir miters diet and his approach to activism and has called him out for his bullying and being a dick in general durianrider is not capable of defending himself against these intellectual attacks except by making false accusations and attempting to could destroy masters reputation he has used this approach more than once although I don't know the details very true during Ryder was doing this to scare others away from making legit criticisms of him his diet etc mazzard doesn't give a damn about during writers opinion what he is doing is pointing out this pattern and hopefully stopping it from happening again what mazzard cares about is having a community with open debate and honest conversations durianrider is ruining this community and must be stopped so it's interesting how I have no idea who this guy is who made this cover the Internet one year ago but an interesting and somewhat insightful comment at the time and you know in some ways there's more to it than that and in some ways there's less to it than that but while I don't like to complain I like to emphasize the extent to which I'm enduring all this with some shred of dignity you know it matters so this is a conversation I had on Facebook and I'm leaving the other person anonymous but I'm the I'm the author writing in blue here this guy said to me that he doesn't think anyone believes anything against me so ie what the writer said doesn't really matter and I write back and you can see I actually I kind of changed my own mind here just in the first couple of minutes of typing this reply because it's not really appropriate for me to say oh this doesn't matter nobody takes it seriously it does matter and you know it really could have been a much more positive you know ending to things whether a year ago or today if Darren Meyer came out and had a charity boxing match and you know wherever it would certainly be more positive he admitted that these were all lies and so on if you really instructed his followers to stop telling these lies about me so I reply here at first saying I know : but the Internet is written in ink not in pencil unless people actually delete their old videos or old tumblr statements etc nothing changes and yeah I do talk to more people about it than you do because I'm me and yeah I do see the full spectrum of opinion and the negative impact this slander has had and that it still has seriously you say nobody is interested do you know how many thousands of people still sincerely believe that I'm a so-called scam artist who quote quote stole the money for the lawyer even though now their receipts are posted on the Internet and enough information always was anyway it's ridiculous honestly though it would have been a positive ending or outcome if durianrider did a charity boxing match with me I just made a video offering that so yeah I can see that just in the last few days I did offer a relatively positive resolution to the situation in a charity boxing match nobody gets hurt it would be in a gym etc we're not talking about a street fight we're not talking about a civil war so yeah that was one positive way out I just offered but sure in many ways I have no choice but didn't just move on as opposed to what is there is there a not moving on option what's what's the alternative to moving on I've seen these are virtues that are easy to preach huh you should move on you can say that to anybody over any [ __ ] that's a cowardly ass thing to say to somebody Oh your father died you should move on uh-huh as opposed to digging up his grave as opposed to putting him in my front lawn like a [ __ ] scarecrow what what is the alternative to moving on you know it's a shitty thing to say to somebody it really is anyway I know he means well but still all right uh so I say sure in many ways I have no choice but then but to just move on however there's real serious damage done to my life and it's not trivial I'm gonna be unemployable when I return to Canada take a look at my CV already sent to you and I'm gonna have to deal with this as a dark cloud even over my reputation within the vegan movement forever I think that's reasonable to say based on again it's based on me having spoken to so many vegans including Tobias Lee and art in these few people who are supposedly too smart to be influenced by you know internet drama but they actually are influenced by the internet drama I continue quote there are thousands of people who believe that and I've spoken with hundreds of them myself that's just one example of allied durianrider told durianrider made it up but so many other channels even plant-based news reported it as fact slash expand etc so this is true close at plant-based news jumped on the bandwagon here man another example : do you know how many thousands of people believe that I'm a millionaire or a trust fund kid who has never had a job my inheritance was twenty five thousand dollars Canadian which is nineteen thousand dollars u.s. and I only got it a couple weeks ago right uh I'm sorry you're in a position to kid yourself but I'm not I now have to deal with hostility from people every day who really believe that I'm one a scam artist and to born rich living on my parents money lying about being a Secret Millionaire etc I would say that it is more rare than I meet people who believe that I am three a sexual predator perverse teenage girls etc but I do encounter category three often enough and that stuff's on the internet it's not gonna disappear yes this is a real problem in my life day after day month after month year after year it hasn't gone away I know you talked to a few people watching my cafes and you conclude that it isn't really a problem you know quote-unquote is really know that just means isn't a problem for you it is a problem for me and yes actually a charity boxing match and seeing terrain rider admit that it was all [ __ ] would help the other people involved for example vegan cheetah Joe vegan etc they never admitted they were wrong even plant-based news clothes refused to issue a retraction and I made it real easy for him to do so I get in the details of that purses long story short you know I was offering to cooperate the guy to do a Skype call with the guy deal with podcast the guy or something yeah very much a buried the hatchet approach to dealing with clothes from the best news which he completely dropped the ball on it anyway it's a problem that doesn't go away and yes I have long since posted the actual receipts ie the literal receipt so what the actual invoice and and payment receded whatever showing how much the lawyers were paid etc I'm sorry I forgot about this in the list of damage done there's also category four so number one was scam artist regarding the razor number two is born with secret millionaire number three is a her brother and four is abusive towards women and/or wife beater this one is especially damaging because during Ryder and cheetah spoke to my ex-wife directly on the phone I do not believe that she ever told them I was a wife beater not even they have ever said this ie they never claimed that she said this but still the fact that they spoke to her at all makes lives of this kind of more important and I just mentioned my girlfriend off camera another example this is Josh shake a vegan revolution if she so he/she also my ex wife spoke to Josh on the phone and Josh had this really acrimonious Skype call with us if she had said anything that bad about me in the the girl for private conversation he would have thrown it in my face he would have made those accusations cuz he was he was gleeful to defame me and use whatever character assassination had so I assume Mac's wife has never said that but nevertheless and I pointed out in my one-and-only interview with the light twins that was one of their questions so we did one it was great interview by the way still a great podcast you can still hear it but they did ask me very seriously do you or did you ever beat your wife so yeah it's extremely damaging under those four categories it all still really is a problem so I mean I can be magnanimous about this but in a sense what it comes down to is you know charity boxing match or gtfo man you know and like I mean I'm in a position to to want revenge I never use terms like that in the Internet I never talk about that I've framed this entirely in terms of doing the right thing because the right thing to do caring what the future of the vegan movement I've said all these pious and proper and politically correct things but sure you know I'm the aggrieved party here julia borer is not the aggrieved party she's got nothing to complain about she lived her dream she flew to chiang mai and met her hero you know she met free durianrider and she defamed everybody and had her had her fun she's not good place she never claimed anything happened between her that was just a lie made up a hundred percent Biderman writer out of thin air all of his lies the lies about me having all these girlfriends in quebec blah blah blah you know they were old it's all complete fantasy on his part so there's nobody else in this who's in that sense and a great party there's nobody else asking for justice and there's nobody else asking for revenge but sure I don't know man if I think durianrider really should take that charity boxing match I really think he should I think this was an opportunity for him to do something positive you know for his own reputation for his own situation for the vegan movement and you know to end a real source of enmity that he might not like the alternatives he might not like spending two years in a Thai prison but you know we'll see what comes to the next that I fear him and here on screen I guess is the closing screenshot this is durianrider himself commenting below the video that he is only 67 kilograms and therefore if he actually had this boxing match with me he would be victim of bullying you can see itself writing and you can see my response I say quote however I understand your position you threaten violence and you want others to fear you you claim to be a hardened criminal quote violence is like second nature to me he said of himself because he claims he's already been to jail while in fact you make false reports to the police many others did fear you and they reinforced this pattern of behavior in our part I didn't fear you so instead you folded while continuing to make threats the last time I was here in Shanghai for a court hearing you were still sending me messages both directly and indirectly claiming I'd be stabbed I don't know how you imagined that you're the one being bullied in that scenario but hey imagine a way your imagination at least doesn't hurt anyone alright guys so as I mentioned before the reason why I'm inching my at all right now is for a court hearing we do have another court hearing my expectations for that court hearing are incredibly low in a very vague and indirect sense I do kind of blame the overall political situation here in Thailand for why this case accomplished a little in the last year and a half I could be wrong but that will ask my lawyer we'll ask him on camera we'll ask him why he thinks it didn't make better progress but you know durianrider to my knowledge never hired a defense attorney or today anything else it's just the process within Thailand I mean show the talent is incredibly easy country to get away with a crime in because in this case we have all the evidence in a stack I mean oh there's no doubt about it it's you know the nature just the nature of the evidence for defaming someone of the internet you just print it out and presents it in court and you know obviously it is very easy for foreigners to get away with a crime in this country because they do have very serious protections or you know I of course I believe people should be presumed innocent until they're proven guilty but in this case there's a lengthy process of I guess arbitration whereby the Thai government assembles all the evidence and presents it to the Australian government and ask the Australian government to issue him with a summons there's some process like this to protect his rights and that process still has not come to a conclusion despite the fact that we know during writers mailing address which is not an easy thing to find out because he tries to keep it secret and to my knowledge just by the fact that the papers were served at that address so that's it I came to Thailand asking for justice I didn't get that so I offered to have a charity boxing match instead I didn't get up the I didn't get that so I don't know back to the drawing board