Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vs. ICE: the Elephant in the Room.

17 July 2019 [link youtube]

I think there's an important question for the future of our society that's being ignored, right in the midst of the (tense) face-off between A.O.C. and Tom Homan (former director for I.C.E., i.e., American border security).

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you know mr. chair I was looking how did we get to this point how did we get to this point where we take children out of mothers and fathers arms and you know it dated back family separation in the way that we have seen it where we take children away from their parents without due process began last year undersecretary Kirsten Nielson but I had to dig further here is the memo that I would like to submit to the congressional record and it seems as though mr. Holman that you are the author there were three different options presented the third included the option for family separation mr. Holman your name is on this as is correct yes I sent a memo so you provided the official recommendation to secretary Nielsen our family for the United States to pursue family separation I gave secretary Nielsen numbers recommendations on how to secure the border and save lives but it says here that you ret you gave her numerous options but the recommendation was option three family separation I'm saying this is not the only paper where we given the secretary numerous options to secure the border and save life and so the recommendation of the many that you recommended you recommended family separation I recommend a zero tolerance there's an important issue here some of you guys might not have noticed on your first viewing of the video I mean with all the kind of ethical political just dramatic tension in the room but here it is the shoulder pads are a problem and no I'm not joking I mean it kind of sort of is an issue in our society that a huge percentage of women go around with padded bras but your shoulders are really on display in our society all the time and to the same extent that many people might get a work notion of like what is normal or just what is the shape of the human body if you live in a society where all women all the I'm are wearing padded bras to a much greater extent right here in right now our sense of what are the proportions of the human body it's kind of warped because people like this especially in formal and important situations like this they're wearing shoulder pads all the time look at the size of my human look at my head the width of my head relative of my shoulders okay I'm in shape of working out of the gym doing okay but that's one one human head versus one shoulder now look at this look at the size of this guy's shoulders look at the proportions of the shoulder to the head and that's that's compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger that's compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime so we live in a society where men including overweight out-of-shape elderly men want to look like a kind of imposing gorilla they want to look like their shoulder is three times the width of their skull in terms of their proportions and this has become normalized it's become normalized to an extent that would seem laughable or absurd if it were women patting their chests or men patting their crotches or anything else so my modest proposal my modest proposal is that we ban shoulder pads I guess it's easy to look back at other cultures from other periods of history and laugh at what they considered men's formalwear but could we maybe collectively recognize as a culture that compared to people wearing robes in medieval China or people wearing a toga in ancient Rome actually our customs are a huge step backwards in civility that were wearing kind of padded phony armor or a motor that's designed to make us look less pot-bellied that we are less fat that we are and more like a gorilla with an enormous shoulder I mean maybe one of the first steps towards greater civility in our political and personal discourse would be to take off the shoulder pads literally and figuratively both women and men zero tolerance was interpreted as the policy that separated children if I get arrested for DUI and I have a young child in a car I'm gonna be separated when also police office in New York and I arrested a father for temesta khylin s-- I separated that mr. all to respect [Music]