Contained Rage: Vegan & Anti-Vegan (Joey Carbstrong)

02 November 2017 [link youtube]

The fellow with the beard and glasses uses the name "Milk Jar":

The young woman who refuses to watch the world burn is Poppy:

Meanwhile, Joey Carbstrong remains Joey Carbstrong:


Youtube Automatic Transcription

so I've been watching some Joey carb
strong videos first of all he just says the same thing in every video you think good thing to know is that we have power in what happens to these animals in our life so you can stop the cruelty in your life and the only way to do that is by going vegan it's not about animal cruelty it's about animal use they're slaves at the end of the day we use them for our pleasure and we don't need to it's unnecessary we're just trying to show compassion you know in a world that doesn't care about animals you know it's the same point over and over again it's like oh so you don't like cruelty in your meat and then it's like other thing he says is well why would you do it if it's not necessary this guy he's like one of the kings of crazy vegan psycho eyes and it's this look like you're ready to [ __ ] kill someone and you'll notice it a lot with vegans you know because they're so malnourished with their cholesterol deficiency and their body wants them to kill something and they just have this aura of you know ready to burst out and violence at any moment and they're just like holding it back like at all times when I found out the truth I had to say something about it I'm to say like look look what's happening to these animals you know I couldn't stay Saul and Wow well this injustice was happening it's just not me it's not me it's the same thing in every video he's like he's like looking like this like okay alright and it's like every point that the person he's debating makes he's just like it's so mad every time and he's like talking to them like he's some sort of like Inquisitor and yet caught with a gun and you go to jail that's just the way it isn't so there was the longest time in the last 12 years that I've been so before when I got out I was on parole I was forced to be sober about a month of being out I always had this seed planted in my head about veganism I was having a conversation with my mum about smoking you shouldn't be smoking you know I thought I was this beacon of light since I've been forced to be sober and I was criticizing her and she said you know there's a lot of biases people have that they don't change and when she said that I reflected and when I reflected I thought you know I've always known that it's hypocritical of me to say that I care about animals but you know there's this cow piece of a cow who'd probably suffered greatly been bought gunned in the head on my plate and I changed right there and then I changed spontaneously the next day I went for vegan and that was the beginning of my activist journey he's just bursting with anger you know I'm not gonna dwell on this just go to his channel Joey carbs strong you'll see it and he's like an [ __ ] he's talking to them like a cop or something you know this is the type of guy that if he could get away with it he would like kill you for eating me like I seriously think he would like I'm not even joking like I'm sure you can tell if you watch his videos like he would [ __ ] like he would do like you know round up all the meat-eaters and kill them all like if you refuse to go vegan like he's he's that guy and of course there's armies of these guys everywhere we will slowly create a movement and once we get a movement all right once the ball starts rolling it will start snowballing and we'll reach a tipping point sooner or later it might not be in my lifetime but the groundwork will be done I don't like when you say you want to watch the world burn I don't want to watch the world burn I'm being defy it don't do this to yourself don't get yourself into this sort of cholesterol deficient state where your body is just like pumping violence through your veins to force you to kill something for me personally I have to say medically a vegan diet is great from the standpoint of the environment I gotta tell you every time I go back to my childhood home in Fargo North Dakota I see acre after acre planted with feed grains for cows and pigs and chickens and what that means is a lot of irrigation pesticides a lot of fertilizer it's not doing the environment any good at all and finally ethics has to be really I posted everything that we're doing and if you could be healthy and eat well and leave the animals off your plate they're gonna be a whole lot better off it's like you don't want it you don't want to live like this guy just like he finds people on the street and just like interrogate them and tries to break him down I encourage everyone who watched Joey's harvester on videos because it's really a window into psychosis caused by veganism both nutritionally as well as doctrinally dogmatically it's like a combination of like fanatic like this guy is a fanatic he's like a [ __ ] jihadi or something like he would [ __ ] go on jihad for the animals and just like kill us and you can see it in his eyes I'm not taking it anymore I don't like when you say you want to watch the world burn I don't want to watch the world burn I'm being defiant I'm being independent I am an independent artist I am an important artist and I make art therefore my opinion matters