Asking my audience for advice: education & career options, in Canada?

24 January 2017 [link youtube]

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hey guys I think it's mentioned really
briefly in some of my recent podcasts but you know I have no idea what I'm doing with my own future in terms of education and career and I mean I might as well just say that to people on patreon because some of you might know more about this that I do at the moment I'm not getting any useful replies by email from my own University Professors back in Canada some of whom have been very supportive toward me so we've been appreciative towards me some of whom regard me as quite brilliant whether or not they can provide me with useful guidance or advice sadly is another matter my point being they may want to provide me with guidance but may be unable to do so um I was just reflecting on this action because vegan gains has this new video titled why I dropped out of school and I was just asking myself because it's such a common thing to say it's so common to say to people oh you should get a university degree oh you should go back to school you should go back to university and I have never said that to Richard I was just pause and ask why now you know of course partly my could say something snarky lokotes because I'm not an idiot like only an idiot would just say Richard ed should go back to university or something you know but I mean I'm Canadian Richard is Canadian I have had an incredibly negative experience with Canadian education system at every level but especially at the university level although high school was bad in Canada university was actually much worse really really really that was a step down shockingly so deeply demoralizing how much worse university was in high school so in a generalized level I'm not someone who would easily or casually say oh you should go to university in canada and look some of you guys will not realize how deep or significant this is but you know i made the decision that my own daughter will never go to school in Canada that my daughter will not become a canadian citizen there's not a decision to take lightly and that is in large part means for many reasons but it is in large part because the university system and candidates so terrible the education system is a hole in canada i believe is really so poor that i would prefer for my daughter to go to school basically anywhere else quite likely she will go to university in Europe I'll go to go to school at all levels in Europe as a result of that decision I made are obviously Europe contains some of the best and some of the worst education at the world but that for me from my perspective least there's hope in Europe and in Canada there is none so look that's general background but I mean that the specific thing is I would never say to Richard oh you should go to university in the same sense that I would never say to Richard oh you should open your own business sometimes you're talking about something in it's so vague it becomes meaningless even if it has a good intention behind it the advice is [ __ ] because what business I mean me maybe Richard should open a business a particular business but you got it has to be something specific right um you know you can't say if it's a good or bad idea to open a business any business whatsoever in the same way to say to somebody like me or Richard or what have you oh you should go back to university you'd do well well what what university and what university program and what credential and what career and I do not know of any specific University in Canada that is good i do not know of any specific university program that is good i do not know of any specific unity university program that would be good for Richard and I've gotta say also this does not mean that they're all bad you know I never studied architecture it's possible somewhere in Canada there's a wonderful architecture program it's possible even something like cuisine you know cooking becoming a chef I did look into that at one point because I thought about opening my own vegan restaurant getting a formal University credential and cuisine it's possible we have one or two good programs of that kind of Canada but as far as i know i don't know anything positive in the whole country so that's that general background right now my view from my own future is that i'm going to go back to university and get an end ta a masters of Public Administration an incredibly boring university degree a degree I don't want a degree i'm not going to enjoy learning i'm not going to enjoy the process of earning the degree nakada i may learn nothing I don't know I whether or not to learn a lot or learn a little I don't know at this stage and I remember I mean I have this memory stuck in my mind I scoffed at the idea of getting an MPA when there was a the woman with a very low level job at my university she was in an advisor's office and she said look with with real delight with a real sincere smile on her face she looked at my resume she looked at my CV and she said to me oh you could get an MPA you get a masters in public administration and then you could get a job like me itself yeah I could get the same job afraid the word she said I could get exactly the same job she has being a low-level bureaucrat in university I have never wanted to get an MPA I've been wanting doesn't even come into it I mean you know at this point god it's so bleak it's so depressing talking about education career options in Canada given that I'm a prisoner of my passport etc etc it's really really bleak but I put it to you guys now because when I asked my professors about this maybe i'll post as text in patreon below this video I'll give an example of me writing that my professors still now it's like are these professors you say I'm brilliant and talented and obviously compared to other students getting a bachelor's degree i'm at an incredibly advanced level in terms of knowledge of history and politics of asia and what have you and to some extent languages i mean have some advantages in study of languages but also some disadvantages God knows because I've studied too many different languages but I don't know I have never had anyone say to me and I've asked again and again for this advice I've never had anyone say to me this is a good MA program anywhere in Canada for any topic connected to my expertise ever I've never heard anyone say this is a good MP a public administrations ever all right and I've been seeking that kind of guidance for such a long time uh why now does mpa as an option become a lot less laughable less ridiculous basically for two reasons one is MPA can link to paid employment that is relevant to my humanitarian interests you know for example my political interest in the future of First Nations people's the Korean Ojibwe there are a lot of jobs for bureaucrats basically or people in the nonprofit sector trying to improve the situation for the crea jibley and many other first nations people that kind of credential could probably connect to employment that makes the world a little bit of a better place somewhere in Canada that kind I guess too I mean I don't know it seems very hard for me to believe I'll ever become a police officer in Canada but my ability in Chinese I'm working so hard to learn Chinese but there's nothing I can do with Chinese as a language in terms of my career or education which is extremely depressing I should be able to come back from Canada speaking Chinese reading and writing Chinese and have some kind of bright future in front of me or some kind of uh not too dim not too dark future open in front of me at least a master's diploma or something at least some career path openly but there is absolutely nothing open to me again because of a prisoner passport because I'm a Canadian citizen if I were German it would be different if our friend should be different if I were American it would be different but because I'm Canadian there's nothing open to me and again I've asked I've sat down with the professors and counselors and so on and you can it but yeah if I wanted to police work I guess a masters of Public Administration could also make me upwardly mobile in the police I guess I could become a police officer in Canada who speaks Chinese who interrogate spew on Chinese sometimes or uses Chinese as part of my job you know and again that is still I mean for me the police work is part of the ethic of public service it's the humanitarian side of my interest in life although I know a lot of you a lot of you will not see it that way a lot of the anarchist in my comments that should not seek that way um and you know ultimately I do think that what I would learn in public administration in Canada would help me take on a management role leadership role bureaucratic role in running a vegan foundation incorporating some kind of charity some kind of NGO connected to veganism and you know whether or not that's a dream whether that's a dream will never be able to accomplish that still is it's a dream worth dreaming it's dream worth laying the groundwork for being able to do your own taxes and paperwork and really run your own NGO because you've got a public administration background or your own nonprofit of some kind however it's incorporated however it's whatever its status is on paper you know that that opens that door uh and you know that's a door I want to keep open whether it happens when I'm 65 or 75 it's certainly a door I want to keep open until the day I die so guys my email is not hard to find if any of you actually have useful advice on this I am seeking advice as a Canadian citizen I need to know about master's degree options and mpa options master public administration options or anything like that that you guys could recommend if you email me I mean I can share my resume but whatever first degree is in political science my second degree which is fresh so i will have letters of recommendation from professors who are still alive and still no me is in Asian Studies I'm in China now learning Chinese I have a background in a long list of other languages including Cree Ojibwe Japanese Cambodian Lao poly tie it's ridiculous so many years lost in language work and I do actually have a couple of peer-reviewed publications I do have this history of a scholar and researcher in other fields and for me it's all balled up and thrown into the garbage because I'm a Canadian citizen I'm a prisoner of my passport and four year the link for any positive opportunity terms of education career and I have found nothing