Do the Research: Nikocado, Madfit & the Dark Ages of Ex-Veganism.

04 October 2020 [link youtube]

We're not just talking about vegan vs. ex-vegan, nor veganism against carnism… we're talking about the difference between science and superstition, what it means to live in the dark ages, and… the alternatives. ;-) Shout out to nikocado avocado #nikocadoavocado & MadFit a.k.a. Maddie Lymburner #MadFit who are both #exvegan …and my critic with the southern-American accent, quoted in the intro, can be found here:

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previously on x-men soda
thank you i don't want to be vegan because it rots the brain it rots your teeth it makes your hair fall out and makes you delusional [Music] that's right he can't be vegan because it rots the brain we all know those people that derive their confidence from being a know-it-all abbas i have no idea i've even tried to look this up to find out what it means and it's still kind of confusing to me and it makes it really hard to find his channel but i'll link it in the description he actually i've been watching him lately and he makes a lot of really great points he's a very smart guy i think he's been a vegan for getting close to you know probably a decade and to me i i don't know how old he is maybe in his 40s or something he looks well i mean it he looks like his brain is functioning he looks like he's able to you know put on weight and just maintain his health and whatnot nicotta avocado claims he can't be vegan because a vegan diet will rot his brain i'm not gloating i'm not glad about it it's a sad strange irony that nicotto is telling you that a vegan diet will rot his brain when as it just so happens we know it is a high cholesterol diet like the one he's on that will really impair your brain function all i'm saying is that was intellectually dishonest because there's no scientific evidence that shows the closer to zero cholesterol you intake the better off your brain function will be as a matter of fact it seems to be a lot of the opposite you could actually link the three or four claims she makes against me there as having something quite peculiar in comet self-selected ignorance intentional obscurity yes she just she just can't figure out how to pronounce the name of my channel you could find out with one google search she just can't figure out what the name of my youtube channel means you could find that out with one google search she just can't find any scientific evidence that there's a relationship between dietary cholesterol and alzheimer's disease between dietary cholesterol and cognitive decline loss of brain function impaired memory impaired brain fog she just she just couldn't do the one google search to find say one source like the one you see on screen now i have the summary on the right hand side there past studies found that a high cholesterol diet equals the loss of working memory in mice these people did some original research and their study found the same thing high dietary fats cholesterol elicits alzheimer's disease like cognitive impairment in mice okay let's just uh pretend this is the only scientific evidence i have it's actually obvious even if you just read this abstract that it's not the only evidence this is just one more brick in the wall of an enormous corpus of scientific evidence on this topic but um i'm sorry you accused me of being intellectually dishonest you made the claim that there is absolutely no scientific evidence for my position and you made that claim i believe correct me if i'm wrong on the basis of the fact that you couldn't be bothered to do a five second google search to find the answer this question the same way you couldn't do a five second google search to find out what the meaning of my channel's name is yeah this is a recurring pattern all i'm saying is that was intellectually dishonest because there's no scientific evidence that shows the closer to zero cholesterol you intake the better off your brain function will be as a matter of fact it seems to be a lot of the opposite look guys um the difference between the modern era and the dark ages is this it's just this skeptical open-minded questioning attitude linked very loosely and imperfectly to the scientific method as as unconvincing as this evidence i'm presenting you with on screen might seem like reading this abstract reading this scientific study it might not seem compelling and convincing to you in the same way that an anecdote about your friend who cured their acne by giving up a vegan diet and starting to eat chicken eggs or something oh that that may seem very emotionally moving it may seem very convincing it may seem very compelling but you know that way lies the road to the dark ages and it's very important to recognize that some people here and now in the 21st century still have that fundamentally irrational fundamentally magical mentality and it is that mentality that defined the dark ages the dark ages didn't end when somebody turned the lights on the dark ages ended when people found it unbelievable found it impossible to believe all the things our ancestors were so willing to believe you know things just like this i raise for meat everything is for meat you've got llamas you you sell lion meat yes you sell water buffalo what else do you have alligator to zebra everything a to z alligator zebra yes a lot of exotic meats you're selling armadillo alligator you've got guinea fowl you've got llamas and water buffalo and ostrich peacocks and peacock an armored yellow burger i have it coyote shish kebab you got yeah i got coyotes i got bobcats i got a bobcats yeah i mean you've got hundreds if not thousands of animals that you're processing if you don't have a place for the ostrich beaks or the the toes or the skulls or the intestines you've got mountains of that stuff left on your farm our standing orders standing people lining up out the door waiting for a bucket of beaks yes as many i can produce that's fascinating there's a lot of volume of intestines in there and and all the organs for ostrich it's got to be like yeah but it is that yes where does that go that's a lot of stuff you know all these asian people they have some medicinal value for that okay they use that they use the nails they use the legs they use the marrow bone of ostrich for something from medicine yes ostrich toenail medicine who is using patients chinese orientals all the whole asia did i sell the ostrich dick penis you sell an ostrich pizza yes yeah yeah i sell it for 500 bucks each but to make a soup lime peanuts i sold for 10 000 bucks the one chinese guy bought it all of these miracle cures you've just heard about have anecdotal evidence to support them not scientific evidence anecdotal evidence that guy just mentioned selling a lion's penis as a cure he didn't say that anyone came back asking for a refund afterwards whoever it was that paid thousands of dollars to buy and eat a lion's penis they thought they were getting their money's worth all of these quack remedies from the dark ages and the new ones that are being made up by hippies on the internet every day it may not be easy to appreciate what separates them from modern medical science it may not be easy to appreciate what differentiates the truth from a lie but i'll tell you one thing here on youtube each and every one of us gets to do the research for ourselves we get to share our skepticism we get to share our doubts we get to share our findings and that's why it is so tremendously important that we have intellectual integrity here on youtube there is no plot there are no special effects honesty honesty is the only currency we've got so to that other youtuber who accused me of lying who accused me of making claims that there was just no scientific evidence to support i'm going to ask you to delete your video in which you claim that i don't have intellectual integrity and i think you know why i mean really people like to disrespect my crew but the fact is that you know my name and i don't know you