Did Transphobia Destroy A.V., or Just Youtube Drama? (Anonymous for the Voiceless, Paul Bashir)

30 January 2020 [link youtube]

Is transphobia really the issue? No, IMHO, but it's a significant distraction in the ongoing mutiny against the leadership of A.V. (Anonymous for the Voiceless), i.e., against the tyranny of Paul Bashir and his girlfriend/wife Asal.

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

so she just wanted to hear it from hos
mouth that he's not trying to I said Adi I'm not transphobic leadership and followership this video is part of a short playlist on this channel discussing situations in which vegan followers rise up against their leadership activists decide to challenge the authority of the vegan organizations they're members of this has been happening on a massive scale within Anonymous for the voiceless AV and right now simultaneously it's also happening within DX EE direct action everywhere probably should be happening at peda whole bunch of other organizations that frankly are garbage alright this is an interesting phenomenon within the vegan movement and right now like within the last 48 hours the leadership of Anonymous for the voiceless has really been challenged and a long list of chapters of local organizations have risen up and rebelled and said they're exiting anonymous voices now why there are maybe three reasons and this video is dealing with the least important of the reasons I'm gonna have at least one sequel to this probably uploaded within the next two or three hours the least important reason is a controversy over transphobia allegations that Paul Bashir was transphobic in just a moment you're gonna see edited video of Paul giving his own side of the case the deeper and broader issues which we will deal with in the sequel to this in part 2 are questions of the actual structure organization and leadership of anonymous to the voiceless itself which have been discussed in great depth on this YouTube channel in the past I've spoken to insiders from the organization I've also spoken to like disaffected former leaders former participants who quit there's a lot wrong with anonymous for voiceless and there are reasonably profound reasons people quit so actually one of the organizers in New Jersey reached out to Paul she wanted to take a call she kept following it up and she kept saying it's urgent and she wanted to take a call with or and myself so we took a call with her and then one of the other organizers in New York and their basis of that phone call was that our teachers wanted to ask Paul basically if he was transphobic goes back to the video that Nick just mentioned so she brought that up and she said that there's a lot of concern around this topic in New York at the moment and because you guys are coming to me of students who run an event we just want to make sure that this is address before you get here the first response was that that's not news to us we already know that we've already heard that before and um we have also addressed it we've also dressed there and Paul said okay I T I'm just I'm just a short pause that I - what do you want me to say do you want me to just say to you that I'm not transphobic and she said yeah that would be nice so she just wanted to hear it from hose mouth that he's not trying to I said Artie I'm not transphobic the basis of the call was to simply ask me if I was a transfer or not that's it I mean in what realm is that classified as reasonable research as sound research into whether something is true or not the fact is I've been labeled a transfer this whole time and then so for one of our organizers to approach me like that it also begs the question that if all you need for me is to say that I'm not a transfer in order for you to believe it what would make me think that you won't take somebody else's word for it when they say something to the contrary and and so I got worked up on the call and I was raising my voice at no point did I yell at her right I wasn't cursing her out or anything like that I was raising my voice because I was pissed off it's not just a matter of what happened on this coal there was other things brewing yeah they were already planning on he also lied to us repeatedly on that call about what happened on the previous call we had established that we'll just said that that court was based on hearing from me that I'm not a transfer that's what you want to have a call for then on the second call she spun it and said that she just wanted to call discussion with us and framed it as if it was just an innocent intention to have a discussion she contacted Artie to discuss this and again IPO as being very dismissive she didn't want to have the conversation so the decision was to ask you to stand down as an organizer and then as a result of that some of the other organizers in the other chapters in the area decided to also believe her side of the story we that have been asking for our side of the story and they um so when I gets absurd and leaves the call because Paul raised his voice a bit out of frustration and then she will turn that into something else about her being abused by us that's just ridiculous I mean of course if you went up to herself or anybody else and you ask them if they're racist or or sexist or if they're pedophiles etc you're not gonna get a different response because exactly what you got said it's shocking and it's demeaning and it's disrespectful to just throw an accusation like that at someone without any edits just straight-up ask the question very briefly what is the background to the transphobia controversy within an honest with voiceless there is a very boring podcast or spontaneous interview that was conducted between the YouTube or ask yourself and Paul Bashir leader for non su voices YouTube is very strange because it can conceal even more than it discloses the YouTube channel known as ask yourself its whole history has been whitewashed and deleted you can't see what that YouTube channel used to be like and you have even less of an idea of what Isaac the main personality there what he was like on discord discord is a chat service voice chat primarily in that case what he was like for a period of about two years when he was close friends with several neo-nazis and white supremacists and when he was really host to a lot of discussions and a lot of debates on the far right wing of the political spectrum including literal Nazis sir but Isaac was close friends so let's let's disclaim something here Isaak himself identifies as Jewish he's of Jewish heritage to some extent I've never really talked about that with him like I've never talked with him about what is Jewish heritage means to him or you know how he feels about it at what his perspective is but he describes himself as Jewish he has some Jewish background in case with that but nevertheless like Isaac was close personal friends with a guy who was on YouTube uploading videos that were literally Pro Adolf Hitler like I don't mean Nazi in some abstract sense Pro Hitler and like Julia Savola and he sort of like called philosophers who were directly linked if they're in the Nazi Party so to say there was like a cloud of controversy around ask yourself and the connection between publisher and ask yourself would be an understatement however there's nothing really contour in that actual podcast in the video where ask yourself a stocking publisher what really happens is that Isaac asked yourself he he asked some interesting questions he tries to open some interesting areas of conversation and every time Paul Bashir just kind of gets nervous and it's like no no man we have we have those problems within anonymous to the voices but I can't talk about it yeah we have those allegations there were those people weekend I can't say any but and at some points Isak system like oh look what do you mean like always tell me and Paul just no budge nothing yes so people kind of picked up on the vibe of that video and then again fairly or unfairly there is this shadow hanging over ask yourself as a youtube channel and whatever as a personality in the internet because of his association with right-wing and racist figures you know including most notoriously Corey McCarthy Corey McCarthy is a white supremacist and again that's not and not reading between the lines that's not exaggerating Corey McCarthy is a guy who openly advocated he advocated for all black people being removed from North America to make North America white only nation state and that kind of stuff like real real racism as a political program so you know I I mean the only credit I can give to ask yourself just to be fair and mentioning this is that he moved on I mean and his whole discord discussion surfer moved on I was there one time more than six months ago I was like Isaac look what happened to you you used to be surrounded by these like right-wing people and neo-nazis and now you're surrounded by communists it weren't just left-wing people they were like extremist communists and there were several people in the discussion group who'd been there continuously for whatever three years at that point or something like since the beginning and they said to me you know some of these guys who are now communist extremists just like one year ago they were they were right-wing like racist extremists but they were like some some of them were the same people who wouldn't from one extreme Patiala to the other look I'm not a fan of ask yourself I'm not a fan of his channel I'm not a fan of his approach to vegan activism I'm not a fan of him personally we're not friends however I think it's important for me to fill in on that personal level that you know there's nothing to see there's nothing controversial within the discussion Paul had with ask yourself but nevertheless I understand why they were kind of these rumblings of controversy and questions that were raised by the predominantly left-wing followers of an honors to the voiceless when they saw this really just really strange and tense conversation between Paul and and Isaac I mean I guess you can say that was a conversation that raised more questions than it answered these accusations thrown towards you guys is weighted so it's a V and art center and everything like that I find that every single one of the people that are making these claims and accusations I always ask them for evidence or proof and I never get it and that's 100 percent of the time the one time that someone did link into something it was from an a video poly I guess to Iran Isaac's YouTube video I asked yourself