The Vegan Movement is Pathetic in 2019, "Nation Rising" Even Worse.

17 May 2019 [link youtube]

The state of the vegan movement in Canada is really sad; and, yeah, it's only gonna get sadder still with the upcoming (annual?) "Nation Rising" event, that promises (once again!) to be, "Not a protest," but instead, "A revolution"!

#vegan #vegans #veganism

If you want to see the earlier (much longer) video we made on the topic, here it is: "Vegan Politics: Are "Nation Rising" Sheep in Wolves' Clothing?"

Youtube Automatic Transcription

why do people have protests because they
don't want to feel powerless they don't want to feel alone they want to gather together with like-minded people who share their political convictions who share their objectives and for that one afternoon for those few hours they want to feel like they're the ones shouting and not the ones being shown a tad but guess what the fact that you're shouting doesn't mean you're being heard and the pathetic state of the vegan movement in Canada gives us many object lessons we can learn from I saw the announcement made and very carefully edited videos here on YouTube that once again the so called nation rising group is gonna hold their protest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Canada and those those very carefully made propaganda messages this one here look nine views on YouTube nine it's in it's in single digits guess what people the fact that you're shouting doesn't mean that anyone is listening the fact that you believe in the message and you believe in your methods doesn't mean you're you're making a difference doesn't mean you're reaching the public definitely doesn't mean you're lobbying Parliament successfully so the vegan movement as a whole in Canada has been failing and is a failure but this is an especially extreme example of failure and I've tried to engage with them I've tried to talk to people or involve this organisation by email and by Facebook message primarily any of you guys want to talk to me on skype please do but in terms of the pathos of the protester I think it is even more pathetic when they cling to this idea of radicalism that they're revolutionaries and that's exactly the marketing strategy that so-called nation rising has done what they don't say hey we're a reasonable bunch of people trying to make a change to the tax code which what they're trying to do right they don't say hey we're against government corruption and we don't really want the meat and dairy industry corrupting our democracy and our democracy putting money to be no no they don't stall it that way and they all so don't present themselves as having a vegan message which for us has always raised a lot of red flags it's very very spirited to you but you know their idea of lobbying is once a year to go to Ottawa and scream at people in Parliament you know holding signs as those parliamentarians go in to take their seats and to do their day's work as if they don't get screamed at every day and people that's it's not lobbying it's not an effective use of your time it's not even an effective use of the time of the people who are being screamed at so guys as this year as this year's protest in Ottawa Canada is coming up once again I'll give you the link below this video if any of you want to go I'm gonna send out an email inviting anyone in this organization to talk to me or have me possibly involved I genuinely think that the event they had last year would have been more successful and more meaningful if they had involved me and it's a peculiar arity today that when I'm searching YouTube for videos on this topic my videos my videos criticizing them and it is constructive criticism have far more views than the videos they made either promoting their event or with lectures that are that are taking from that event ultimately look this may sound strange coming from someone who's uploaded over a thousand lectures to YouTube but I have please know what it's pointless people don't want to be lectured people don't want to travel across the country just to stand there and listen to a lecture that they already agree with I heard from a friend of a friend just now just today the friend of a friend said she was frustrated with shoveling manure on an animal shelter that she came to the conclusion look whatever the future the vegan movement is the way to build the future of the vegan movement is not going to be shoveling poo on a farm it's not going to be sweeping and cleaning up after no this can't be it this can't be the effect of former vegan activism well you know the conclusion we all got to come to in the case of this particular organization I wish they'd come to it sooner rather than later is that the future of the vegan movement isn't going to BP getting together and patting themselves in the back it isn't gonna be a crowd of people who are already vegan standing around and listening to one another give lectures about how morally pure and wonderful veganism is what is it they're actually calling for this is the weird thing this is the paradoxical thing what they're calling for isn't revolutionary what they're calling for is an end to government subsidies for the meatpacking industry and they want the government to chef support for farmers making the transition you know so that farmers don't suddenly become unemployed overnight yeah which is great like you know I think they're about us page has some really good really good information I think it's good well okay there's about six ounces here yeah but that's that's their platform they want to end government subsidies they want to help farmers with that transition and they even say we are a love based movement we are not trying to destroy farmers so this is this is really paradoxical so why would you say it's not a protest it's a revolution why wouldn't you say look guys this isn't a revolutionary movement this is a totally reasonable request to amend the tax code to amend how taxation works in Canada and here's how we're going to accomplish it here's the plan we're gonna do it the same way PCRM does the same way any other lobbying for for government changes it makes no sense instead what they want to do is front on some kind of left-wing radical aesthetic I wrote I wrote to nation rising up sorry yeah this was called t-shirts such not nation uprising nation rising right got it it's like cake rising anyway look new pricing I wrote to them I get a reply from someone in DXE to me that's a really bad sign oh well I don't want to be part of the XE you know this is a this is a choice I've made after doing real research I want to know who you people are and what you represent and yes what your agenda is I've already said agenda is not a bad word well your objectives are and I think of the 21st century every right to know I don't have to make this political decision any more on the basis of just a pamphlet we should be able to know more this about who you are what you represent and what methods you're gonna use to pursue it you say it's not just a protest you say it's a revolution okay so you can occupy a building are you gonna burn it down what you say it's not a protest so what am I being invited to a revolution are you gonna shoot people to the head that's what revolutionaries do are you gonna burn down buildings are you gonna barricade a street these are legit questions and the fact that you are DXE that as soon as I write to you the reply I get is from DXE DXE endorses various forms of quote violence against property unquote which leads to violence against human beings as one of leads to so they're making murky claims and that their website doesn't really have that much okay you're right it doesn't have that much information it just would pretty much just right at all yeah yeah I think maybe they are under the impression that it could make their movement look edgy and people to it but to me I think that kind of signals that it's maybe unorganized or shoddy like they don't really know what what people are being invited to do at this point is my impression that I you from looking at this website it's like you know if you if you're going to put up a website and invite people to do something you should have like clear goals and you say what about your agenda you said you should have a full platform like Bernie Sanders you use that comparison we actually suppose of what he's gonna do and and how it's gonna do it it would be more professional and it would attract a different character of people I think well if you're asking people to sign up and donate their time donate their money and attend a protest that is not a protest that I want to know what it is what am i doing any money to who am I being associated with and so on you know and again for me it's if it's DXE I don't I don't want to play I mean really people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you my name is I don't know