Vegan Gains is Still On Drugs. Unnatural Vegan, Too.

16 March 2022 [link youtube]

@Vegan Gains @Unnatural Vegan #vegan #vegans #veganism

And if you're wondering what I'm insinuating about Swayze ("Unnatural Vegan")… here's the link:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

[Music] i wanted to talk about uh the antidepressants i'm on why i took them um briefly go over my history of depression side effects i've had stuff like that it's been a little over a year now i think um or close to a year i can't remember my memory is [ __ ] right now but it's been um close to a year that i've been on antidepressants uh my doctor recommended that i try an snri which stands for serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor so it's not an ssri it's an snri and it's called pristiq i believe the generic name for the medication is dixeniflaxin um as soon as i started taking it literally the first day i felt normal it was weird when i'm in a depressive state i feel like i can't experience any joy or happiness activities that i normally really like i just feel nothing it feels like i'm completely dead inside and there's no reason to exist and i just have this constant pain of existence and um literally the first day i started taking them i felt good um it was weird i was like playing video games and i'm like oh my god i'm enjoying this i was relaxing watching movies with jasmine and i was and i just felt like wow i'm enjoying myself and i'm happy so they're not like literal magic happy pills that um i don't know it's not like a drug like high where you get some sort of temporary euphoric sense it just makes at least for me this is my experience on them it just makes me feel normal as far as side effects though had some issues with side effects recently and i'll get into that but when i first started taking them i was on 50 milligrams a day um initially what i noticed was really really bad fatigue uh that ended up going away after about a week um as soon as i'd take like a pill it would pretty much knock me out and i'd have to sleep for at least three or four hours that went away after about a week and i had sort of normal wakefulness during the day i could sleep fine um i also noticed a reduction in penile sensitivity just slightly it wasn't harder to get an erection but it was just a slight slight reduction in sensitivity it was a little tiny bit harder to orgasm but again that went away after about two weeks and that was oh yeah and uh hunger my appetite went down massively that took a little little while longer to normalize i just did not feel hungry and i had to make sure that i planned my meals ahead of time i couldn't rely on just normal hunger signals to tell me when to eat and that took about a month to normalize now the only problem i've had recently um i ended up upping the dose of the medication from 50 milligrams to 100 milligrams the reason that ended up happening was um i ended up having like psychotic symptoms for a week i was having hallucinations um i was just acting very erratically and um i went to the doctor to talk about it because obviously that's pretty concerning uh she recommended that i up the dose of the medication uh again from 50 milligrams to 100 milligrams turns out i i well i guess i still have to figure it out but i don't think it was necessary i think i was just suffering from cabin fever um i have been getting a really annoying side effect from the prosthetic medication i'm on which is just uh insane exhaustion at 100 milligrams for whatever reason i'm just [ __ ] tired constantly no matter how much i sleep no matter how much i rest um even when i don't train i sleep all day and i just relax i'm still just dead tired and that's one of the reasons why i haven't been posting many videos um well any videos really even my streams i haven't been setting up goals on the stream to stream longer because i'm just dead [ __ ] tired constantly and i might just have like a really really bad wave of fatigue where i just can't keep streaming i i'm very confused right now what am i doing who was i talking to what can you give me my other cokes in the freezer please no just give me my coke so i need my cokes yeah okay did you take my bike keys no what if i need to get more soda it happened the other day where i was planning to do a really long stream at least 12 hours but i think at like around four or five hours i was just dead and i had to uh just call it off and just sleep and one last thing i wanted to talk about if you're ever on a medication like this do not miss doses holy [ __ ] um really bad idea so because of the fatigue it's super annoying like i can't do anything right um sometimes i even struggle like getting up to train so um i thought okay what if i just take two days off the medication and uh i'll see if i have any more energy because the fatigue was just frustrating me so much i literally couldn't get up to do anything so i took two days off of taking my meds really bad idea uh as soon as i did that like on the second day i had really really strong suicidal urges i came within an inch of attempting suicide and i had to ask jasmine to hide all of the sharp objects in the house it's easy to say that science and religion are two different things it's a little bit less easy to recognize the extent to which we live with what we think of as science and what we think of as religion in exactly the same way if you have a friend if you have a family member who believes in the christian faith ask them just try to ask them how is it possible for you to believe that this book is the sacred word of god sometimes it's one thing to believe the whole book cover to cover is the word of god it's another thing to dismiss the whole book say the whole thing is nonsense but you know what really makes it intolerable to break bread with christians is that they pick and choose not just within the same tome but sometimes from one sentence to the next within say ecclesiastes within paul's epistle to the romans and so somehow this sentence they believe in and not that one they pick and choose when the sacred word of god matters and when it does not what i have to ask you richard is what is your relationship to science isn't it fair to say at this point that you only use science when it suits your purpose to bully and denigrate and humiliate others isn't it true that you've spent years doing selective readings of research of studies of peer-reviewed paper only when it suits your agenda and that your agenda most of the time is really just to hurt someone else's feelings and that when the findings of science are inconvenient for you when they hurt your feelings just like one of those religious people who consciously or unconsciously filters the passages of the bible they're willing to take seriously when it challenges your emotional equilibrium you have no interest in science at all one of my other colleagues one of my other contemporaries one of my other rivals here on youtube is called unnatural vegan she's really interested in science when it lets her preen and boast make a great public display of her intellectual superiority over others but when it makes her feel stupid when it makes her feel powerless when it makes her feel immoral when it makes her feel like she's placing her own health in danger when she's placing her own infant child's health in danger when she's damaging the health of her own son or daughter and there are peer-reviewed papers that back that up she has just as little interest in seeing it just as little capacity to hear it as the christians in dealing with the fact that their sacred text endorses slavery [Music]