Fist Fights: why I do push-ups (on my knuckles) every day.

10 March 2018 [link youtube]

Peace is the shadow of war. Peace, order and good government are all created by fear, enforcement, and an awareness of the danger (though not the difficulty) of breaking the laws that govern our daily life. Real talk. And, yeah, some guy tried to start a fight with me on a bus in Victoria. :-/

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's not that easy to buy shoes as a
vegan and recently my girlfriend and I were in a shoe shop together that was in Detroit Detroit Michigan USA hey and I was trying on a pair of shoes you know you know and they're vegan you know they're vegan and running shoes hasn't you know feel okay but I mean it's kind of mushy it's not too stable let me put it this way I said I just said flat I wasn't joking around I said you know I really wouldn't want to be in a fistfight in this pair of shoes and the guy selling the shoes laughed and he was he was a very very morbidly obese guy I'm sorry I'm not I'm not joking when I say that but he was he was so overweight that you know really his life was in danger it was at the point where you know he he said himself he wears out his shoes very quickly I think he has trouble walking and standing because he's that far overweight and he he laughed and he asked me look you know how often you get into fistfights no obviously he's just trying to sell me the pair of shoes now that wasn't my point I didn't say to him like I'm looking for a pair of shoes for a fistfight or something I'm picking a pair of shoes it counts my a probably across my mind is this gonna be reliable in some kind of you know predictable worst-case scenario and a couple of other youtubers have kind of asked me about this because when I've talked about why I work out the way I do why I tried to do 200 push-ups a day benchpress 200 pounds stay in a certain kind of physical shape my reasons aren't really about vanity or being attracted with the opposite sex they aren't about a lot of other things for me it is based on a kind of ethic of preparedness for the inevitability of violence and unpredictable situations breaking out around me this is a Cambodian scarf by the way this is a nobody ever tried to rob me in Cambodia nobody ever tried to start a fistfight with me in Cambodia but when I lived in Cambodia many other people I knew got it too exactly those situations being robbed being mugged you know strong armed robbery being mugged at gunpoint having fistfights started with them even I was living in couldn't being China some of the guys got got kind of sort of bullied and it never happened to me there are different factors there including the fact that I'm sober all the time I drink zero alcohol but yeah I I stayed prepared and we had a we had a funny situation yesterday last night on the bus and this guy he didn't start out intending to start a fistfight with me on the bus you know I don't even know if this guy is crazy he's probably just a lonely sad person what would you put his age I'd maybe 25 thereabouts maybe 20 I'm okay 25 all right 25 year old guy and I was actually interestingly what I was talking to my girlfriend go privately when my girlfriend is on my right-hand side and in a normal indoor voice I'm not shouting or anything I was actually having a conversation with her about the fact that during really stressful times in my life when I had a lot of work to do and a lot of problems I would calm down and space out my work by washing my hands more often they like on the job at get up wash my hands look in the mirror go outside dry my hands that I try to kind of you know as the kind of stress I wash my hands more often than usual as a stress relieving measure and for no particular reason oh this guy leans over and says really loudly hey were you just talking about washing your hands I'm like yeah and he asked the question has it ever thrown battery acid on your hands no that's right he specifically said how's your girlfriend ever thrown battery acid on your hands and my girlfriend sitting right there that's who I'm talking to and I laugh it's the most ridiculous question ask a complete stranger on a bus and I said as a joke sure twice twice this week it happens all the time I said why would you ask me that why would you start a conversation with a complete stranger on the bus asking if his girlfriend has ever thrown battery acid on his hands now the guy could have taken that as a joke could have been no big deal you know it was a ridiculous situation but no he was getting more and more aggravated and uh you know it there's no point am i repeating every line that each of us said but you know a God at that point where I said to him look you know I'm a 39 year old man I'm not here trying to start a fistfight the public bus in Victoria but if you want to get out of the next stop with me you know we can you know we can resolve it that way and we can probably both end up in the police station and do the whole bit you know like you know you really want to take it that far and you know he was very angry and before that sir I've got to say before that I did apologize even though I had done and said nothing wrong I don't want to seem like I'm instigating a fistfight here before that he you know he said insulting things towards me and I responded by saying you know what you're right it's my fault I apologize you know can we can we move on like you know but I think I did that two or three times I said look at that said you're right and I apologized you're right I'm I'm obnoxious it's my fault etc let's keep it moving but that was not good enough for him so look I'm sorry there's no real punch line to this story it's really it's really a nothing story and you did yeah bizarrely he got off at the same but he showed it angrily when we got off of the bus no because I said it said to him already look if you want to get off of the same bus stop as su you can and he was saying and selling things he said like oh you're a real tough guy you better keep walking like this kind of crap you know and then so you know we got off the bus and then hilariously he got off the bus also when he sat there on the bus shelter because I guess he didn't want to walk but you know the tragedy we all live with sometimes you lose touch that some people lose sight of it is that you know peace is the shadow of war peace order and good government are all created by fear and enforcement and you know an awareness of the danger though not the difficulty of breaking the laws that govern our daily life and you know I don't have anything against the people who go to the gym to work out for other reasons obviously some people go to the gym to meet members the opposite sex or meet members names nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with that at all but for myself as someone who's devoted himself you know as a hobby into some extent as a career to studying political history and just political reality somebody who cares about making the world a better place I'm really in touch at all times the extent to which peace is in the shadow of war and these kinds of things fistfights can break out in the middle of nowhere for no good reason and as my generation my generation used to say I'm always on my my PS and QS to watch out for these things before they escalate before they pop off