Vegan Fundraising Scams: Who's Accusing Whom?

16 December 2017 [link youtube]

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it's none of my business if you give
your money to someone on the Internet none whatsoever do I have the right to have an opinion about the general practice of giving to fund me GoFundMe pages or whatever they're called of course I do this is my channel I have a right to form an opinion of that if you've been around on YouTube for any length of time you will remember not that long ago when there was a not so favorable outcome when it came to funding a person on YouTube now I'm not gonna mention any names but some of you can confirm exactly what I'm talking about there was a promise made viewers gave money to a person and then that promise wasn't kept and let's say the amount was $8,000 well that $8,000 was intended to go to animal welfare and there was no evidence that it did and there was no way to verify that or account for that hey everybody Chris here with an update on the friends not food sanctuary scam if you're just tuning in now there was a huge scam through GoFundMe under friends not food sanctuary a lot of people donated because they felt really bad for the couple the elderly couple that was running the sanctuary it turns out that they don't actually exist and a lot of people donated we as a vegan community came together and normally I would say research these things but I found other people that were putting together this campaign and if there was anything I could do I was I was there to do it besides I was you know incredibly busy with others things so I just didn't really have the time and I didn't think twice about going and researching it but I was part of the team that donated my my I guess my merchandise for the prizes that if other people donated they would win so I called the the Sheriff's Department and I asked about if they knew anything about the sanctuary and they said they didn't know anything about it they've never heard of them and the second question I asked was how close does Crossville to the tennessee fires that are going on and they said they're about two hours away they reached 35,000 fifty four dollars and they took off with it if you did donate the good thing is that GoFundMe is actually reimbursing you for your donation if you get ahold of them I think a lot of people are probably feeling the same way I am and I haven't been able to get a lot of sleep I haven't been able to do my work all I can do is occupy myself with this I think a lot of us feel really duped and into donating for a cause like this you know it just was hard to think that somebody would would do something like this to everyone but there were warning signs they didn't have a website they didn't have any real pictures of any of the farm or any of the people that work there there was nobody to vouch for them saying that they worked there and a lot of there was a lot of red flags there so if you're gonna donate to a cause make sure you have some references and don't go through a third party go directly to the cause John and myself with the vegan zombie we've been to several real farm sanctuaries across the country I've done videos of all of them so if you want to find a real legit sanctuary to donate to you can check out some of our videos we have a whole playlist for animals and sanctuaries and you can check those out now I'm not gonna mention any names but some of you can confirm exactly what I'm talking about there was a promise made viewers gave money to a person and then that promise wasn't kept just because aisel Mazar had some papers in his hand and he was standing outside the courthouse or he walked inside the courthouse you know any anybody can con anybody like I could do things every day and show you things that look real and they're not you know they make stuff up so people keep coming back for more you become more and more gullible you know clips and and and videos that manipulate and play tricks on your brain with music behind it it's very it's very interesting and very creative and I actually got suckered into it somewhat you know and it's a mindfuck it really is a mindfuck but once you're older and you start to realize like wait a minute how does this person have this person's contact number or information how does this other person say okay well someone's old contacted me by phone and and we agreed to wait a minute I thought you guys are against one another how how do you have each other's contact information you know and even I've cont you know eyes a lot contacted during Ryder I told him that you know I we can have a fight and about and he declined and he didn't get back it's it's all smoke and mirrors man it's just talk it's just talk you don't know these people you're only going by what they tell you you don't know me you don't know me but I'm saying as an older person I can look and I can analyze and I can place judgment on people and I'm usually a hundred percent right [Music] [Music] evolution