Why Kevin Smith is not Vegan.

06 February 2016 [link youtube]

Yeah, it's the same reason why Noam Chomsky is not vegan.

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I saw a [ __ ] sign drawn on like this
public utility thing I said not your mom I built a picture of a cow's head like Bessie wouldn't not your mom not your milk I'm gonna talk for just a couple seconds both Kevin Smith and then I'm gonna play you the clip of what he had to say in full about his encounter with the concept of veganism and how he basically slunk his way out of thinking about it and taking responsibility for his actions that sounds a little too harsh doesn't it should I start again no um drinking that white juice drinking that bark some of you may wonder why even bother paying attention to what Kevin Smith has to say about a political issue an ethical issue in this case veganism isn't Kevin Smith just a clown well for one thing in this day and age everyone pays attention to what clowns have to say clowns are quite powerful and influential people and a successful filmmaker like Kevin Smith's an example of that for another I've got to tell you I believe in what you could be called descriptive egalitarianism is to say I don't believe in prescriptive egalitarian don't believe in it is some kind of ideal to be aspired to but I think it's really important that we talk about human equality in the here and now as it actually exists to give you an example as you can tell by looking at my face I'm pretty old for a university student and no getting a second university degree every day I talked to both students and professors and some of those professors talked to me as an equal just cuz of my age and experience they talk to me like I'm one of their friends and some of the students talk to me as an equal but in that intermediate position one of the things that strikes me again and again is that the students and professors tend to assume that they're living in tremendously different worlds that they don't have the same concerns they don't the same frustrations and all the time I mean most of these people they're at about the same level of intelligence they have very much the same concerns they have very much the same frustrations with the institution of the university itself and the real underlying equality the descriptive a Galit arianism situation and the irony's that come out of that are often striking to me now in the same way before I come back to Kevin Smith let's look at a clip here from renowned intellectual Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky is considered by some people a genius he's considered by some people an idiot but no matter what you think of him he's one of the more influential political opinion makers of our day a professor at linguistics and who's written various books on politics here's what he has to say there's an opportunity cost of it vegetarianism like personally I'm not a vegetarian but the main route although I almost never eat meat but the reason is just a lot of time for time to think about I don't want to think about I just pick up whatever saves me time I don't like I don't think we should have a factory farming the free-range businesses mostly Joe yeah so my point here is somebody like Kevin Smith and somebody like Noam Chomsky whom you might want to imagine being in completely different categories in terms of their intellectual ability or influence the world really there's an underlying equality there that some perhaps something uncomfortable for us to admit to ourselves maybe we'd like to think that the people we categorize as leaders of public opinion are somehow much better than ourselves or at least much better than Kevin Smith but they're not I saw I saw a [ __ ] sign in New York maybe not in New York I hear you California made me feel really bad because I drink a lot of milk if you're going a gallon a half of milk a day poor little cows are rolling around a field going like we're so understand I'm like I'm not I've had videos in the past here basically poking fun at Richard Dawkins another kind of renowned and respect intellectual Sam Harris and just lately some of the other leaders in the new atheist intellectual movement because despite the fact those guys describe themselves as great moral and so on in reality they wrestle with the same questions we all wrestle with and if you're a vegan a lot of what they have disabled remind you of thoughts and considerations you had maybe when you were like 12 years old I saw a [ __ ] sign drawn on like this public utility thing and I said not your mom hilt a picture of a cow's head like Bessie Borden cow or not your mom not your milk really made me think dark is that I'm like I'm just enjoying this I looked over simple milk I'm like I guess you're right look do they lie to me do we have to kill cows for this milk now I guess that's weird I never really thought about that because when we were kids they just [ __ ] to drink your [ __ ] milk always yeah all those commercials swore that if you didn't drink Billy er you go to hell or something so we all [ __ ] drank milk but then I find somebody's mom it's weird don't you really want cereal but no but like some laughs know what your mind is going without God looking at me through the window going you have so much chief teats you could even eat cheese steaks we can't that'd be weird we have is good yeah man that's [ __ ] makes me sick in this case you can pretty much see that neither Noam Chomsky nor Kevin Smith are willing to do the thinking as chops he said simply I don't want to think about it as Kevin Smith said oh it's really dark and he's joking but yeah it's dark just thinking it through just looking at the evidence just figuring out the answer to the very simple question that even a shell could ask where does milk come from yeah finding out the answer involves suffering and of course the actual production of milk involves quite a lot more so I still tasting [ __ ] you first yeah really like every man for himself cows include no [ __ ] [ __ ] milk does a body good that's how I talk cow looks like why well because like his face just drink it I don't but you know what I don't even waste it my one of those guests I drink I know their cows out there they like [ __ ] prick at least I'm drinking it some got thrown out [ __ ] milk never expires my house yes so there I'm just