Unnatural Vegan is Worse than Durianrider, IMHO.

06 September 2016 [link youtube]

vegan / vegans / veganism / animal rights / ecology / activism / politics / Pali / Theravada Buddhism /

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as a general rule in life you should
only eat as many mangos in one day as you have showers if you're having three showers a day because you're extremely athletic you're living in the tropics I think you can get away with eating three mangos if you're only having one shower a day two showers one or two mangoes is the limit let me tell you as a general rule of thumb i would also say that on almost any topic if you read three articles three really good specialized articles just reading those three articles is enough for you to form an opinion of your own offer critique of your own braden bright article of your own now whether or not you write a good article or a bad article will depend on who you are if you're an idiot you may write an idiotic article that's okay makes the world go round if the three articles you read we're all horribly biased and poorly informed you may produce a new article that is itself horribly biased and poorly inform and if you have no prior familiarity with the particular field you'll be at another disadvantage etc etc but I just say this partly because there's an illusion that you need to have years of accumulated experience and expertise to write an article on a given subject I would say that you know right now if you got three very solid articles serious articles from serious publication on the topic of Russia's current strategy in Syria what is Russia's geopolitical strategy military strategy in Syria right now 2016 I think if you read three articles about it three good articles you could then come on YouTube and voice an opinion and maybe of something really valuable and meaningful to say um one of the controversies you know vegan gains talks about is the significance of this chemical igf-1 igf-1 is a very interesting chemical there's a lot of new research and I do think currently you know there were unsettled questions maybe in the next 10 years will really know all the facts but it's certainly an area of you know kind of groundbreaking new science if you read three really good solid articles about a GF one I think you could form your own opinion cetera et cetera now ah with various people who have tried to denounce me into Fame me on the internet and I'm thinking at the moment primarily of a natural vegan AKA Swayze i have said to them I haven't told them to be silent I haven't tried to censor them I haven't tried to say how dare you criticize me I've often said to them why don't you actually read the articles I've written on that subject and form your own opinion and then criticize me or disagree with me or what have you I was a scholar of Buddhism for more than 10 years and for me being a scholar of Buddhism hahahaha my approach included Buddhist philosophy it included the history of the languages it included philology it included this study of not just ancient texts but ancient stone inscriptions uh but it included also politics you know history in that sense topics like the history of slavery in Buddhism sure history the oppression of women all kinds of things that maybe traditional religious scholars of Buddhism wouldn't want to deal with or wouldn't deal with in the same rigorous unflinching unflattering sense that I was willing to deal with those things now I'm not proud of what I did in Buddhism but I'm aware of both how rare it is how extraordinary it is and of the contribution I made it that field and how my contribution was regarded by other specialists who themselves made you know major contributions the field over decades and decades whatever their story is in a case by case basis so I'm not I'm not lacking in self-confidence about it and not unduly humble just including the fact that i actually did spend years reading the ancient canonical language poly which very very few people read and Chinese that's called body one um when someone like a natural vegan wants to denounce me and defame me on the internet on the basis of digging up a couple of comments on a discussion forum and whatever quoting the amount of contacts to me for her she has no ability to understand the connectors she has no interest in input ISM but its philosophy what have you what I say back to her isn't how dare you or don't do this so I don't beg her to censor herself or something what I say is well look you know I spent more than 10 years engaged in this field of study if you google my name if you google my name + Buddhism you're gonna find a lot of evidence of just how much work I did and even of how that work was received I do have some peer reviewed articles which supposedly a natural vegan has respect for she's always talking about pura vida but not in my case she had no respect to the fact that I have peer reviewed I do she has a natural vegan published a peer review article on any topic ever in her life ever not to my knowledge it's like okay I do have peer reviewed articles about Buddhism but also if you google around a bit and I could give her some links you can see other websites that just take seriously the legacy of the work I did you know that are providing links to my articles and talking about it saying oh gee if your interest in this topic check out the work wise Alma's art on it blah blah blah there are a lot of things the internet that reflected other people who know what they're talking about do take what I did seriously and do value it or do appreciate it whether it's the work on the language of the philosophy here or what have you now with that being said anytime you write about religion or politics there are also people who will just bitterly hate you for having dared to have an opinion and there are I mean you can very easily find especially if no casual website discussion forums you can find anonymous people saying I'm a terrible human being because I dared to criticize something in the religion they believe in or i said something they consider unflattering about the religion like if you're going to talk about slavery in buddhism you're going to talk about the status of women in Buddhism but even if you're to talk with the reality of meditation and but you talk about financial corruption and but isn't politics in both of anything I would think it's the same in Catholicism I don't know I mean I have no vote but I think if you talk about politics in the Catholic religion have you yes there are also people on the internet you know sings you're you're an idiot or disagreeing with you or insulting term as part of the game it's one of the reasons why I'm prepared for the type of defamation and innuendo that currently is circulating in the vegan demi-monde I'd already dealt with that for years and years and years within within Buddhist scholarship with in Buddhist things on the internet um unnatural bein supposed to be better than that unnatural vegan is supposed to be better than during writer but what unnatural vegan actually did to me and what she threatened to do even more to me it's just as bad as during writer in fact the only other person that time I can remember doing it was during riders look what you're doing to me is exactly the same thing during writer density or tried to do to me which was to say that my whole career as a scholar of Buddhism was uh was bunk or nonsense on the basis of you know digging up these kind of comments on discussion forums those anonymous hate comments on discussion from this kind of repartee that's not a peer-reviewed article okay even if I had only one peer reviewed article you should weigh the significance of that very differently from anonymous haters saying I'm an idiot website discussion forum even if I had only given one lecture at the invitation of a professor emeritus at Oxford University England even as the only one that's a hint that there's something to be taken seriously about my past career as a sculpture Buddhism even it was only one time that I have been a resident at bhikkhu Bodhi 'he's temple as in the united states only one time I was a resident at the his former temple in Sri Lanka even if I have only been to and meditated in and spoken to senior monks in these Buddhist temples a few times each over a ten-year period even have only been received at and given lectures at respected academic institutions a few times again as a natural vegan than anything like this in whole career has she been recognized in any field of study whether philosophy or politics any field original research or any language studies at any language the way I've been recognized in Europe but major universities in Europe but also of course it's much more important to me at both Buddhist monasteries and Buddhist universities in Asia you know in Asia the universities that are receiving okay so we don't expect much from a guy like durianrider we don't if durianrider I mean I assume he didn't even do that himself I assume he didn't even go around the internet and get those links somebody would have sent them to him but you know if durianrider is going to defame me by saying I was never a real scholar of Buddhism blah blah blah you have to hope that your audience is able to just laugh this off and dismiss it because of who durianrider is and because of the horrible you know colony and slander and defamation that he's made against so many people again and again with so little reason but guess what you know what unnatural vegan did the same thing to me she was just as bad or worse and i think that one unnatural vegan did it to me i think a lot of people unquestioningly took it seriously i think a lot of people react to that and it's partly from messages people have sent me they didn't look into it they thought I was a fraud they were something terrible about money my history is a scholar Buddhism now I say again any of you I welcome you all you can form your own opinion about my legacy is a former scholar Buddhism if you read three articles that I've written a couple of my articles have been translated from English into Chinese by the way you could read three articles that I've written and you could come to your own conclusion on what I have to say about Buddhism or what have you I do regret that I ever became a scholar put us might wish I had done something else with those ten years those more than ten years sure I regret it but of course it's a very different thing for me to say that for me to say wow this is a decision in my life that I feel was a waste of my time or that didn't turn out well it did I regret it's a very different thing for me to say it than it is for a natural vegan asset and for our natural vegan to say it without reading even one of my articles with pure malice behaving the same way during writer does unnatural vegan just chose to cherry-pick I believe two conversations one on facebook and one on a buddhist discussion forum where people saying i'm a jerk recently and she has no understanding of and no interest in any of the intellectual back and like you can be having a debate about you having a debate about vegetarianism buddhism or uh you know meditation or politics or anything I slavery or anything else and if someone was absolutely no background in the field you won't they won't even understand the technical terms they won't understand factually who's right who's wrong and in most of the disguise you talking about internet discussion forums it's not like it's not even like ancient Latin or ancient Greek there's significant number human beings on earth who can read a language like Latin or Greek the number of people who legitimately can do original research in poly in the pally canon it's frightening Lee close to zero people and I was one of those people who did original research in that language and again some people respected me for it gets the evidence of the Internet very easily I i sent a natural vegan length um and some people hated me for it which again I don't feel sorry for myself because I think again if you were asking tough political questions within the Catholic religion within Judaism within any kind of massive and conservative you know religion you're going to get those kinds of reactions in any way I could tell all kinds of stories about that we shouldn't hold any of these people to any standard I can't say to you that unnatural vegan is answerable to a higher standard than during a letter I can't and it's not my job to police the internet or to police the vegan internet or anything else what I can tell you is that when you engage in a critique of other people uh and this really is about people some other views about me as a person being pilloried and defamed and denounced by a natural vegan which is what you did I think in terms of personal integrity there is a huge difference between say reading three of their articles and then coming to a conclusion about this is the type of person this is or this type of research they do what have you and putting together an opinion that's based on I don't know baseless rumors and innuendo and one sentence remarks in an internet forum or you know a disagreement people insulting each other in an internet forum or something like Facebook messages or a some crappy some crappy message board interview ah there is a difference and I mean I don't know might be a slight exaggeration by the other natural vegan followers was there even a single person who was sensitive to that difference was to even a single person hey wait a minute you're dismissing more than 10 years of work that this guy did and more than 10 years of work that in some obvious ways was recognized by academic institutions despite the fact that I never got a PhD in that field but again you can complete very obvious the type of recognition I got both from Western academia and Eastern academia and even to some extent from from Buddhist institutions as such and who is a natural vegan what legitimacy does she have does she have even won a peer-reviewed article does she have any distinction in any field of research in any field of writing in any field of publication has she done any job that we're aware of ever in her life because to some expense that you know my view of the world you guys know it's influenced by just politics that was involved with it City Hall humanitarian causes I was concerned about in Laos and Cambodia and yes my research on Buddhism my involvement in the Green Party all these things you've heard me mentioned so many times it shapes my worldview and for someone like a natural vegan I don't know but anything like that I don't know about anything of real substance she's done and i gotta say maybe it is for that reason that she did with such you know tremendous lack of human sympathy choose to come at me in precisely that way that was just as low and just as vile as durianrider but was much more damaging because a natural vegan has managed to cultivate the illusion that uh her opinion should be respected as science when she's not a scientist she's never been a scientist and her supposed respect for peer review publications for academic accomplishments in her interaction with me it's proven that her respect for those things is a hundred percent phone