Ignorance, Activism & Optimism (vegan / veganism / vegans)

16 April 2016 [link youtube]

Here's the link to "Vegan in Japan" (the channel quoted in this video): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGY7OMXN8N2gAJHXiyJY9Lw/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey what's up I'm going to provide below
this video a link to another channel that is just called vegan in Japan this video showing a demonstration in Tokyo actually was really emotionally moving to me the first time I saw it and may surprise you I don't notice some extent it came as a surprise to me as well it's just six minutes of footage with english translation of this vegan demonstration in Kyoto Japan uh why did it affect me emotionally so much for one thing I really feel this sort of tragedy of tragedy of miscommunication the impossibility of reaching out to people and communicating such as simple and fundamental fact as you know they say they're in that protest very simply you do not need fish to live you don't need to eat fish to live and that really moves me because I know the world is full of people in Japan probably the majority of people literally believe that a human being cannot live without eating fish like really believe that not even in the sense of a religious belief because a religious belief is something you've been taught and you've thought about at some point you've questioned it you know nobody's an unquestioning belief in religion you know a religious belief is articulated in a narrative in a story it's celebrated you know but on on the city and the scene level that people just you know believe in wearing pants there are people who believe in eating fish that it's a daily necessity that they can't do without it there's no other way for them to live even though obviously missed aurelie there are so many examples and I talked to someone here recently who really sincerely believed that human beings could not live without drinking cow's milk and she's from China and now I changed her mind I she actually said she was going to stop drinking cow's milk which is interesting so i guess i guess i won but it wasn't a hostile conversation but she had really never requested before she's a fully grown adult she's not a teenager she's not a kid um but she was living her whole life really laboring under the delusion that human beings could not survive without cow's milk now obviously I can relate i can understand they're all these things packaged into it historically and culturally but I mean why this is why this video is emotionally moving for me it gets at the crux of both my optimism and also my feeling of hopelessness about human nature about the future of planet Earth certainly in both Canada and in Japan the feeling of hopelessness that you know this protest that's so well intentioned that's trying to reach out to people it just seems impossible that someone standing on the sidewalk could possibly receive that message and actually challenged the deeply held belief that oh you know what I don't I don't need to eat fish to live you know my grandparents were wrong everything I was taught of shells wrong you know that's exactly what you need to communicate and yet it's uh it's so hard to do and I've mentioned before in this channel I really regarded as a waste of time some of the specific protests and political activism we have here in Victoria I don't understand why you would focus on horse-drawn carriages the use of horses to pull a carriage to entertain tourists of all the issues than veganism you know like like honey is also very marginal III do not eat honey do not support eating honey but if I'm gonna get involved in public education and activism I want to challenge milk-drinking like in Canadian culture the belief in milk and dairy to me that's so fundamental both to diet and etiology and even nationalism and you know this belief we have that government the government should take taxpayers money and subsidized and control the dairy industry so the dairy industry is half private sector half a Providence half this scam run by the Canadian government you know justified by nationalism we have to prevent the Americans from coming in and you know controlling our dairy industry is idiocy I mean it's idiocy politically it's idiocy nutritionally it's idiocy environmentally and ecologically but again on that human level of individual people when you talk to your own grandmother or you talk to a stranger on the street or whatever Mikey someone i met the university you really do meet people who believe milk is necessary to life on Earth and it's the simplest thing and yet the hardest thing to overcome that but so I say I don't want to be involved with protesting as honey and I don't want to be involved in processing against horses pulling carriages for one thing just because it's marginal it's not central to veganism is not central to social change but also because I'm still optimistic I'm still optimistic that human beings can change at least five percent of us if they just learn if they just find out where milk comes from what milk is and that it's fundamentally unnecessary to human life it's it's the simplest and most fundamental public education challenge but at least five percent of people have got to be smart enough and principled enough to put those people those pieces together to put the pieces of the puzzle together and see the bigger picture and then within those five percent I hope there's at least one percent who will be motivated by that to want to see a broader and deeper social change and that's what I want to connect with and I mean my heart goes out to my heart breaks for this kind of street protest but ultimately you know the question is is this the way that I can reach that minority within a minority or is this the way that I can tackle that huge challenge of of public education look I just say for me I'm going to provide you with a link to that video for me that's kind of the the emotional underpinnings of what I'm seeing and what I'm feeling and what I'm thinking about when I look at such a such a simple and pure example of people trying to deliver that message to a crowd you don't need fish to live you don't need milk to live when I was in Cambodia I met people who literally thought they had to meet Redmond who thought they had to eat meat every meal who thought they could not skip eating meat for just one meal I saw that in France once also only one saw a family with this guy was horrified he was flabbergasted the thought of feeding his children a single meal that did not contain any meat what you know the illusion runs that deep and my optimism is that for some of these people even if it's just five percent the disillusionment can run that deep also and that disillusionment can lead to mobilisation motivation social and political change yeah yeah yeah yeah man that's my word is going down man watch my voice man different from other cats voices man remember that man different flows now hey yo place these [ __ ] with fire fire you've been away for letting her just a Firefly yo hold on the sword I heavy universal caught on now sonic take over the medley plus they're fun