VEGANS: Can We Stop Kidding Ourselves? ("Cube of Truth" etc.)

18 July 2018 [link youtube]


Youtube Automatic Transcription

two from one in this video we're gonna
talk about a pathetic failure of a vegan movement in Canada which is called nation rising if that is a sound like a vegan around go ahead and google it you get a lot of false search results whether you're searching within you know YouTube or the internet large it sounds like and looks like some kind of neo-nazi front they chose a really poor logo and color scheme but yet nation rising was the brand image that decided to go with it where'd that with that and we're gonna answer a question I get from time to time what do I really think about the cube of truth anonymous for the voiceless and this method of street activism which I think it 2018 is one of the most popular one of the most talked about approaches to vegan activism and you know hashtag spoilers I think in both cases we have to examine the extent to which this may be a waste of our time um forms of street activism street theatre street protests are based on very definite assumptions about who the participants are I know I mean I've known and spoken with many people who were early members of DXE direct action everywhere and who later got disillusioned with the group and quit and it's interesting a lot of them talk about the kind of holiday street kid character that happened it's early days there was just this assumption built into the movement that they were building these protests out of people who were kind of unemployed or underemployed school dropouts with nothing to lose who wouldn't mind going to prison for a good cause um you know wasn't just there were they were saving the planet but this idea that they're all kind of a rebel without a cause and it just recently I've heard an interview with Wayne Young I guess I'll make a a separate video about it where he's again glorifying and lionizing the idea that the progress of a civil rights movement is never gonna happen without people getting beaten up by police and put in prison in the sort of thing so he's joined in the the tradition of kind of mindlessly glorifying civil disobedience for the sake of civil disobedience and people facing the consequences going to the prison for the purpose of prison now when you just take the mask off these people when you think about them as real individuals and not as a stereotype you know obviously at some stage the stereotype might have had you don't live some truth to it I mean a lot of stereotypes they're generalizations about people but some percentage the people that stare at them apply do you know when you look at you know a group of 10 protestors and let's say they're literally wearing wearing masks and I said oh yeah these 10 people who are gonna spend the next four hours standing still like mannequins holding a computer screen holding of you know a screen this play movie these nebulae that guy over there Steve he's an architect you know Jim he's actually a really successful actor and a musician he's got a background playing music doing live stage shows and he's been on a couple of you may be said some small parts of TV show oh yeah and you know this this other guy he's actually a medical doctor the other guy you know let's just say we don't imagine these are rebels without a cause that these are unemployed or unemployable you know street urchins trying to tear down the Bastille in the French Revolution and I mean that really is the the kind of messaging the kind of rhetoric the the so-called radical movements traded you know the early period of direct action everywhere even though in reality it was founded and controlled by a you know formal corporate lawyer Wayne Siong who is now very proud to be facing 30 years in prison he's known him says 60 years amazing years in prison so yeah great go from from lawyer to jailbird in the early days they they didn't admit really heavily who the leadership was not a little ship works they pretend to be fully or some organization or group like you know nation rising nation rising was absolutely founded on a built on the rhetoric quote it's not a protest it's a revolution close quote and see that you go to their own website you go to the other websites like Facebook and event pages one called carpe diem listing the event they have these propaganda images where they were really throwing this event as revolutionary in principle in spirit and probably this was something other than a protest and again they're depicting themselves as a bunch of reckless radicals I guess willing to go to prison I guess willing to die I guess willing to kill people revolution in the name of animal rights veganism etcetera now it's needless to say what actually happened was anti-climatic they did not live up to any of their own hype what they did live up to I'll get to in a second but when you take the masks off these people who are participating in a cube of truth protest when you get to know them as unique individuals it will inevitably dawn on you that this form of activism is a waste of their time is a waste of their talent is a waste of their potential right again it doesn't even matter what their particular jobs educational backgrounds are what are their talents this guy is a you know is a medical doctor oh gee why is he standing there wearing a mask and holding a video screen don't you realize that as a medical doctor there are all these ways he could engage in public education and outreach and lobbying and there are all these positive things he could do for veganism ramrods before yeah Wow what do you think about that this other guy is an actor and a musician will right away you can think of all kinds of ways that this person could make a pause the difference that are better than standing silently for four hours wearing a mask um here's the thing it takes some imagination it takes some work but there is almost nobody so stupid so lacking in resources and creativity and Verve and tenacity so incapable of contributing to the democratic political process that the best way they can spend their time is standing on a street corner wearing a mask holding a screen right now this form of activism has been glorified through careful editing of videos that you know here on YouTube presented the public what looks like a very intellectually engaging series of conversations between slightly reluctant strangers and these being protesters and that's an art form I understand I'm on YouTube myself I could do that myself it's a bit similar in principle to the TV shows that used to show street magicians they used to be a like a genre of TV show where they took magicians out of the studio out of the you know the context of a nightclub of performing on stage and instead of them walk up to strangers in the street and perform these tricks sometimes including mind-reading what have you and guess what the real trick is it's pre-recorded it edited so you can have the same guy walk up to ten different people and have the same dialogue and one time out of ten he seems to mysteriously guess it you do the same card trick ten times and one time out of ten it looks miraculous and that's the take you use that's the that's the version that gets through editing yeah well you're not really seeing the misery of standing there wearing a plastic mask for four hours per tickets you're American it's I'm sorry this is the ultimate self defeating waste of time for a protest unless unless your assumptions about who these people are and their human potential in a democratic society even a non democratic unless your estimate of what they're capable of is so incredibly low that you're like yeah you know you know this guy Joe you know you know Giuseppe yeah I think I think the best thing you can do is put on this mask and shut the [ __ ] up because wherever he says there's only gonna make I think the best form of activism lobbying public education Ares I think I think Joe I think you should focus on standing selling you know what the face isn't helping yes just do you might I've just I've got my back you've got a cup you try this just looks better you know that I think I think this is let's roll with this look I know and I've criticized some terrible examples of being activists terrible here on YouTube some of them written books some of them go on world tours some of them become famous and most of them don't they remain minor voices this way who do a terrible job and to some extent discredit veganism but at least there's a learning process there even if you just start off terrible if you're not wearing a mask and standing silently there's a process you'll engage in public education and that that the experience of lobbying government public education or whatever you try to do the experience of real the collectivism is vegan it's gonna educate others and it's also gonna educate you whether that education you experience is something humiliating something empowering something creative something destructive I can't say you see people break down weeping at City Hall you start lobbying City Hall trust me you've seen people wait y'all know fun games okay that's Cuba truth look guys I've already made a few comments on it nation rising came out with this tremendously provocative and pretentious set of claims I had in the back of my mind to do a follow-up video once their Revolution happened it happened on the 14th of July in Ottawa I was just googling extensively for it and you can barely find a peep I will provide two lengths two videos below they're almost the only videos I can find anywhere on the Internet directly or indirectly reflecting this event happened despite the fact that they had support from a long long list of organizations notably direct action everywhere I wrote to them they refused to clarify what their connections to retention ever were Juwanna a big save and their main celebrity speaker was James aspeed I think based on the video I think they had fewer than 50 people show up for their revolution it's not a protest it's a revolution I think they had fewer than 50 people show up and here's what they did and sorry the video I'm referring to here which shows James asked me speech to this crowd him preaching to the converted when I saw the video it had six views I think I'm viewer number six six if I upload a video tomorrow of me hanging my laundry to dry I'm gonna get more than six views if I upload a video talking about my sex life or how much I hate my college in Canada I've done that I mean I and trust me I'm gonna get more than six years you're at a really low ebb of public interest and credibility if you're uploading a video like that you're not even getting a significant number of friends and family of the participants watching it and I've mentioned this before it is interesting several of my rivals you know voice debating the future of the vegan movement some of them really are more important than me get shockingly low numbers of viewers struggle the numbers of participants in the different kinds of online for forums sorry in school I did learn it's actually forums is the plural of perform not for up but sorry you know and it's symptomatic and it lets you know something shockingly level participation despite having I think more than a year of planning and promotion for this event they're shocking their role shockingly low level of public interest on the Internet anywhere I could possibly find it whether on Facebook YouTube just Google at large etc is significant and what really happened again when we look beyond the mask when we look at who is at this event and what did they do people stood there and listened to platitudes platitudes from James ass be that are so absurd that they really do read like self arity you're making no difference I mean we all want to make a difference but vegan activist we have to stop lying to ourselves if the stop lying to others if to stop wasting people's time and money you know this is like the real-world equivalent of clickbait its clickbait but there's no click because this is a real life this isn't on the internet you know II James ass P stands up there and in his long list of platitudes which is just him patting himself on the back pad in the audience the back everyone reassuring themselves about how morally superior they're at others he says quote the world will change because of people like us sitting in the Sun Parliament Hill that's it together they don't have any impact on government have any effect on the public at large sitting in the Sun and then the next thing he says is hearing what a lot of us already know there were a lot of weird and subtle ironies but completely unintentional irony's he's not doing this satirically in this lecture he gave to the the so called nation rising protests you know he's talking about how to make a pause the difference in the world but in reality is what this whole fiasco is proven is if you want to change the world this ain't how this ain't he's talking about questions of method questions of principle but you know look I mean I've got to say as a digression here I really do believe that vegans are ethically superior to non vegans and I don't even think that's something that's hard to debate or discuss when you target a non vegans if you knew someone who consistently refused to buy products made by slaves they live in a hypothetical world or somewhere in the actual world where there's a border and all the products made on that side of the board are produced by slavery and the products boots on that side are not made by slavery and they said you hey you know what when I buy strawberries I make sure they come from that side of the border because I know on the other side of the border strawberries are being picked by slave labor anyone would just say hey you know what even if they don't care even if they're I've gotta change their lifestyle and consumer choice and say you know what that's in a very simple sense that's ethically superior I take the time when I go to the grocery store to read the label of the food I buy a check does it have a Gazette have milk I take that little bit of time and instead of excluding human slavery I'm excluding the completely needless exploitation of animals apart from the questions of ecology and health which are very real there's a purely ethical question there which I do think I'm totally willing in a relaxed manner completely non-religious atheist nihilistic way to talk about the moral and ethical superiority of being vegan I'm not hung up on it yes I mean it is laughable it is absolutely laughable when you advertise it's not a protest it's a revolution and then the reality of what you deliver is it's not a revolution and it's not a protest it's a self congratulation session where all you do is hand out platitudes and pat yourself on the back for your moral superiority