Jordan Peterson's Brain Damage: Pathological Selfishness.

28 February 2020 [link youtube]

This video provides an important warning: share the link… share it with people who DON'T want to hear it. #advicenobodywantstohear Please note that this channel has an earlier video on Akathisia, specifically, and how it relates to Jordan Peterson's long-term drug use (SSRI anti-depressants plus several years of benzodiazepine addiction).

In the description to that earlier video you find the link to one of the important sources quoted here, i.e., an example of horrifying, life-altering Akathisia resulting from only 5mg escitalopram (a.k.a. escitalopram) =

Prior critiques of Jordan Peterson (i.e., a link to a list of my own videos on this topic).

Prior critiques of SSRI / anti-depressant medication, the scientific studies proving that they are NOT an effective way to treat depression, etc.

Link to the video by "The Amazing Atheist" quoted here:

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#sobriety #quitdrugs

Youtube Automatic Transcription

the medication almost killed my dad he's
a psychologist and even he wasn't aware of how bad these medications are for some people why why wasn't he aware this is the single biggest news story in the last 50 years of both psychiatry and psychology the specific symptom that dr. Jordan Peterson is struggling with is called akathisia akathisia is a symptom that kills people because it is so hard to endure it is so hard to live with that they tend to commit suicide I'm now going to show you a short clip of a woman suffering from Agatha this specific woman her family members have discussed her case on the Internet this specific woman did and her life in suicide are you going you'll be okay I was not born wise I was born ignorant like everyone else I had to learn these things through hard work however that process of learning for me begins and ends with sympathy I don't sympathize with other people just to make myself feel morally superior sympathy is an analytical tool sympathy is part of understanding the world and sympathy is a crucial part of the process of curiosity you get interested in why other people are suffering what they're suffering from what their problems are how to solve them sympathy leads you into learning about many important phenomena in life and this is one even though I myself have never taken SSRI antidepressants I myself never taken benzodiazepines or any of these drugs I nevertheless know that this is a major important question our society and it's an important question specifically in the academic discipline that dr. jordan peterson was supposedly a master of quote directly quoting his idiot diet guru daughter this was not a case of psychological addiction benzodiazepine physical dependence due to the brain changes that can occur in a matter of weeks can destroy lives just imagine if dr. jordan peterson have been an activist on this issue before it destroyed his life imagine if he had any sympathy for or interest in his own patience whatsoever imagine if he had any interest in what was happening in the state of the art of his own field of medical science and treatment nope so as you guys might have heard jordan peterson is back in the news in a big way because he's in russia now with brain damage he went to some kind of shady russian medical facility russian rehab where they put you in a medically induced coma so that you don't have to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal and i guess that he awoke from that coma with brain damage and this is to deal with his addiction to i don't even know what he was addicted to imagine if he had any sympathy for or interest in his own patience whatsoever imagine if he had any interest in what was happening in the state of the art of his own field of medical science and treatment nope he wanted to write books about lobsters and why everyone should believe in jesus to make society a better place he wanted to rail against the use of gender-neutral pronouns in english language she had other priorities rather than dealing with you know the reality of these psychiatric drugs and their side-effects even though that was his field that was what he lectured on at university and that was what he recommended his patients do i've quoted him on that in Prior videos in the past I've heard depressed people who stopped antidepressant said they never helped in the first place what do you say to that mr. Peterson hey that that's certainly possible the antidepressants don't necessarily work for everyone my personal opinion is that antidepressants work quite well for many people whose lives are in decent order so they have friends they have family that love them they have a career they're educated approximately to the level of their intelligence he recommended that all his patients get on SSRI antidepressants it was a common thing for him in his practice he'd have to counsel them and convince them to overcome their hesitancy their reluctance to taking these drugs drugs that have been debunked as not having a positive effect and drugs that have been proven to have really dangerous really terrifying man what if you had diabetes you're not gonna take your insulin it's like you got stressed you blew out it your weakest point that's what happens when you get stressed if there's something out there that might help you it's like try it for God's sake you'll know in a month and you just stop if it doesn't work especially especially for people whose lives are together and who are depressed antidepressants can be absolutely miraculous so you know when you hear about the clinical evidence in their favor being iffy and that's partly because the diagnosis of depression isn't very well formulated it can be made even worse by paradoxical reactions that are difficult to diagnose the medication almost killed my dad he's a psychologist and even he wasn't aware of how bad these medications are for some people why why wasn't he aware this is the single biggest news story in the last 50 years of both psychiatry and psychology why didn't he know why didn't he care I mean the negative side effects of benzodiazepines that's fully fifty years more that's an old old story in you know medical science we've known about what was wrong with benzodiazepines for a long time now popular awareness of the problems with antidepressants maybe only goes back to the 1980s but the scientific research is even all than that you can hear many lectures here on YouTube about the history of it but you know when I look at this woman so you've used this clip before my channel but this is really instructive in showing you what akathisia is what it is about this that makes life so unbearable this is a seemingly beautiful intelligent young woman who took a very low dose of a very common SSRI antidepressant she was on a low dose of lexapro very commonly prescribed and her life has been totally destroyed and you know what's worse she has to live with the awareness that these horrible physical symptoms can make it impossible for her to sit down impossible for her to stand still impossible for her to play the piano impossible for her to hold a pen and write for any period of time impossible for her to sit of computer and and type these unbelievably horrible symptoms they're not caused by damage to her nervous system it's not like she had a car accident that injured her neck or her spine or her arms or her legs no she has to live with the awareness that this is because of brain damage this is damage in her brain that fundamentally impairs how she feels how she thinks how she's able to perceive and understand the world it fundamentally changes who she is for the worse forever if the symptoms themselves don't drive you to suicide the awareness of that it's very likely to do so what an unbelievably tragic situation of being and Jordan Peterson he's had this evidence in front of him he's had this evidence on his desk and in his department this has been the talk of the town this is now 2020 I mean yeah the last 50 years this has been the story this has been the debate across all of these fields you know not just bio psycho not just not just in the field of bio psychiatry narrowly defined but across all of the various forms of therapy and psychotherapy the rise and fall of Prozac the great hopes that were attached to SSRI antidepressant medication and then the way in which those hopes were ultimately that has been the story of the last 50 years look I say again guys I was born ignorant I wasn't born knowing any of this stuff I wasn't born wise and I have a very clear memory of my teenage years in the various stages of stupidity and self-indulgence and ignorance I had to grow up through like like everyone else and now I had to struggle to overcome my own lack of sophistication and my own lack of knowledge about these things but I mean when I was a member of the Buddhists religion I look around at these other people who all had their own sad stories about how Buddhism had destroyed their lives and like let's be clear Buddhism is less dangerous than taking Prozac it's less dangerous than SSRI drugs it's less dangerous than benzodiazepines and Buddhism if we're being honest it's less dangerous than Islam it's less dangerous than a lot of other religions but nevertheless you know I was always aware Buddhism was a faith and a Creed and a set of practices that destroyed some people's lives and a lot of the specialist I know a guy right now who's a PhD holding professor of Buddhism in London England and if he's honest with you he can talk about the way in which Buddhism destroyed his life for decades he was involved with a horrible cult group in England really sad story and however negative it affected that I had on his life I mean at least he got a PhD out of it and a well-paying career out of it terrible terrible things happen to people's lives because they're both going to put us um and I was always really sensed of that fact and really interested in it and really engaged as a reformer where I was looking to the future of the religion and wondering how can we solve these problems how can we do better how can we make sure that the future is nothing like the past I don't look back at what Buddhism was even in the 1960s and they go we should go back to that know Buddhism the 1960s is an unbelievable scam a bunch of horrible cult groups ripping off 20 people I don't look at what Buddhism was in the 1860s or the 1760s I don't look back at Buddhism a thousand years ago and think we should get back to that I'm willing to look at what's wrong in the real in every period by the way in case you didn't know historically included like slavery nobody wants to talk about that there were things that were really obviously wrong with Buddhism as a religion before you know the Beatles got involved in the sixties but what struck me was that these people they just didn't care until it happened to them and even when it did happen to them they only remained sympathetically engaged with their own personal tragedy and I had to ask how can you be so selfish it's like looking at Jordan Peterson I'm wondering how is it that you only care about your own brain damage you don't care when you're literally recommending your own clients your own patients your own university students take these drugs that cause brain damage that caused these horrifying side-effects these drugs that cause a higher rate of suicide than treatment without the drugs treating depression just do talk therapy these drugs have like such a terrifying list of side effects even just printed on the label let alone if you do some research as a specialist with a PhD but you're in Pearson suppose me how is it possible but you don't care unless and until this brain damage happens to you and then even when it does happen you remain so selfish that you're narrowly focused only on your own tragedy that you have no concern about the future of your religion of the future of your community the future of your movement the you you just fundamentally don't contend that you fundamentally don't sympathize with anyone else's suffering and therefore you don't analyze other people's suffering you don't learn from it I mean really people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you I don't know