Brianna Jackson is Ex-Vegan (Brianna Jackfruitson eats meat, dairy and eggs now)

20 June 2019 [link youtube]

Yeah, breaking news, right? If you wonder why the vegan movement is weak in 2019, it's partly because people backed the wrong leaders (and even the wrong entertainers) for several years leading up to 2019. Partly. Not entirely. But partly. And Brianna is one memorable example. #vegan #vegans #veganism

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the news to be announced at the moment
is that Briana jackfruits n' is no longer be [Music] Briona jackfruits in' was an OG player in both the slacktivism game here on youtube representing the vegan movement and also in real world activism and she had a huge huge advantage in that she lived back and forth in london UK and chiang mai thailand so she was really connected to a lot of legit activists and not so legit slack the vests and YouTube personalities both via chiang mai talent and in london UK london UK remains one of the liveliest scenes for animal rights veganism ecology you name it many of those political movements I personally find despicable but that's in the story England is a long and colorful history of animal rights activism it's the country where the word vegan was coined where the world's first vegan foundation was created so on so forth nevertheless Briona today I found out has gone back to eating meat and dairy gone back to animal products and she says boldly that she's never felt better what what what yeah yeah [Music] this reminds me of another little anecdote I chatted with someone on the internet a couple of times who was ostensibly a vegan activist she had a website and she posted she posted images propaganda images for the vegan movement which of course she hadn't created herself a lot of the images I posted I did create myself even was just taking a photo and adding a slogan or adding a pie-chart putting together some statistics I used to put together my own vegan propaganda the Internet other people wouldn't post it also but anyway she seemed to be a sincere aspiring vegan act advocate and she had just finished college and moved into the work force then one day so casually she announced she was going back to eating meat and I was I was really shocked at that time that was the first time I'd had that experience and I mean I wasn't close to her but she was some week I talked to a couple of times and I'm glad I mean she actually did reply to my message I wrote to her saying look I'm just I'm just in stunned disbelief that you would do this and I got to hear her reasoning then I got to your explanation for for why she made the decision that that really stands out in my memory because for me I mean it absolutely never occurred to me that it was possible that once someone had made that commitment that they could ever untie the knot it absolutely did not occur to me that someone could unsee the things that they've seen I mean like you know this girl some of the images she was posting were slaughterhouse footage or you know you know the kind of things telling you what a horrible the production of milk is or how horrible the treatment of lambs is to produce wool and this kind of stuff you think I had never even considered it I had never thought through the possibility that someone would take that step and then after a couple of years take the step back again and in her case her justification was her health and I remember I bookmarked her web pages to come back she did post images of what she was eating and you know when she went it's not as if when she went back to eating meat she was eating a rigorously healthy diet I'll always remember this is burned into my memory when I checked back I think a couple weeks after that conversation maybe wasn't like a couple days she had a photograph of some sausage rolls so meat sausage rolls are little pieces of the lowest grade of meat and then they roll it in like a batter they roll it in like a like a pastry and then they fry the pastry I think I'm sure it's fried or baked it's it's unbelievable and there was this photo of it and she said something like all I ate today was some soda pop and sausage rolls like you know you know she was complaining about being busy that day and stuff your justification for doing this terrible unethical thing is that you want to have optimal health like then you know what kind of a carnist diet would you eat what kind of a meeting there it could that we mean if it were sincerely about optimal health it wouldn't be pizza and it wouldn't be you know sausage rolls you know it's it's anyone look at this point now this is more than five years later now I've seen it all before done it all before so many people disappointed me so many people have shown me that they can revert most often is for emotional reasons but for whatever reason they they have some kind of personal crisis in their life and they attribute the problem to veganism and then they start to idealize meat-eating as the solution and we get to see just how little their political ethical and ecological convictions are worse our worth we get to see how little their convictions are worth and we add today Breana jackfruits into that list of names something that might stand out of the memories for a few of you is this before durianrider tried to attack me at the the chain line fruit his enemy number one for two years in a row I think was Breanna Jefferson she was banned and she was kicked out from the tie for vessel Janeway and she came anyway she kept anyway she had fans there and she made connections there and at that time Derian riders denunciation of breanna jackfruits and was that she's not a vegan that she's not an animal rights person that she is quote just an eating disorder person close quote I'll always remember that he said you're just an eating disorder person that was his judgment on Brianna Jeffords well durianrider may be wrong about a lot of things but he's not wrong about everything [Music]