I spent $6,500 at K.F.C. (Kentucky Fried Chicken)

28 June 2016 [link youtube]

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hey guys you know I was tempted to take
my video camera and stand in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken and make a joke out of this thing because we do have a Kentucky Fried tree we have several here in kunming china um I was tempted to respond to some of the recent allegations and rumors by an effect by trolling by making a joke out of it because those allegations and rumors are a joke but you know the truth is what I really like to do on this channel is to make videos that will still be meaningful to me personally if i come back and watch them five years later I like to make videos that my daughter could see one day someone else could see outside of the context of this controversy outside of the context of whatever happens to be going on this week or this month and I don't really do trolling but yeah it would have been funny I could have filmed myself walking into kentucky fried chicken with six thousand five hundred dollars and saying it would give me as much deep fried turkey death as I can get I know you know he could make joke other people were claiming that I was gonna take the money and uh and publish a diet book it just a start making money out of out of weight loss diet book gee who who who else living communities doing that yeah yeah my great diet book um six bagels a day or or bagels until four yeah I could have I could have gone that route for sure my diet book that promises you you can lose weight while eating unlimited calories as long as you eat exactly six bagels a day as long as you follow all of my instructions um but no that's that's not going to happen so look I have gotten questions in the last two weeks it has been i think it's not even been two weeks since the fundraiser closed i have gotten questions about what happened the money which is understandable and of course i've also gotten people who just take that as a excuse to attack me you know my last update video if you look at how many days ago it was i'm recording this nail on the morning of jun 29th just not that much time has passed a lot of you people have grown up with video games and are you to instant gratification you know you press the button you get a reaction right away you think of it at whether it's Twitter or email or video games real life is not a movie okay I have a court case in France but you guys know I have a divorce case I'm related to all this and that has delays of like 18 months involved with a lawyer says I a I filed the paperwork the next stage will happen in 18 months all right okay you know what is what is the legal system do with the paperwork for 18 months it's absurd but that's how real legal processes work there are long delays and beyond that I'm here in China I'm also dealing with international bank transfers and international financial transactions take time they're not instant they're not like a video game they're not like a movie they take time so um it doesn't muse me I wrote to one guy who has a channel on YouTube I'm not going to name him here I'm not going to read his messages to me but this is one of the many people who have really tried to make a career out of defaming me and who pretends that he's never talked to me when we've talked i did for more than a year me and this guy and when I provided consistently quite honest and open answers I came to say answers to his questions when he's made really kind of mean-spirited and malicious allegations against me and accusations against me I've written to him saying look you know here are the facts and I've done so in a way that is respectful that you know treats him with dignity even though he does not respect me he does not treat me with dignity now it just mentioned I was talking to another youtuber recently another vegan um you know and that vegan used the language of owing of owing someone an explanation this other youtuber saleable we know we don't owe anyone an explanation we don't know the audience thinks we don't know where and I think that's always the wrong way to consider these things I actually addressed that in my my video the apology to freely video it's not a question of whether than I owe you the truth or to be treated with consideration have you generosity itself being a generous person means that you treat people better than anything you owe them you don't them anything and you choose to be giving you choose to be generous you choose to treat them with an open heart and open mind you choose to treat them well anyway that's a big part of what generosity is what generosity means and you know even people who hate me I have been generous with and a couple people have written to be not many asking me what what was up with the the money collected from the a crowdfunding website and the simple answer is not enough time has passed funny has not been collected yet actually if you look at the fine print on the website you would know that but here's here's the reply just sent to this guy again I'm not going to read his messages to me but here's a message i just sent to him so it opens by saying you have an alternative you can stop telling lies when you don't know the facts you can actually ask me that is pause the point is here you don't really have an excuse for telling a lie about someone that begins by saying well i don't know what the facts are but here's my speculation and your speculation of course assumes the worst about me and then proceeds to basically attack me and denigrate me and claim that i'm a terrible character so you know you can't just start by saying well i don't really know what happened in chiang mai but here's my assumption and here's my series of you know of you know aspersions cast in this guy's character what especially not when you know me when I talk to you when I've been willing tell you a photo here's what actually happened in this case especially not when most of the allegations now you know the people who made the allegations have either admitted they weren't true that the accusations but were never true they never had any basis in fact or some people have just clarified that they never even made those accusations in some cases there was miscommunication human vol said look they never claimed that nothing like that ever happened which you know again what viewers this channel will know what I'm what I'm talking about so I just say the justification for telling lies this type gets especially thin when I've been willing to talk to you what I've been willing to tell you what's going on hahaha despite your real hostility toward me I patiently provide you with the facts in the recent past and you provide and you responded with complete scorn you as you thought my email was too long etc but these things are difficult to explain in a way that's credible when you were addressing someone who openly reviles you you have claimed many many times that i am a manipulator pause that's also hilarious me people who claim that my videos are scripted and then I'm a brilliant actor and that even when I'm breaking down weeping on camera that that's fake you know that when I'm breaking down weeping about the thought of not seeing my daughter that that's a contrived perform you know good luck um you claim many many times that manipulator in these messages that I've written to you is there any manipulation no zero in your statements about me is there into intentional manipulation yes a great deal you've just admitted now the difference between your actual view of my legal case and what you said in a recent video so you know he said in his message to me I actually believe you will do the right thing with the money you've collected in donations he said but people have been asking me what happened I they've been asking him not me they've been asking this other guy and he didn't have an answer so he just made up these allegations guess we just made up you know he just assumed the worst speculated wildly and said negative things about men dinner um and my reply to this is I said you could have asked me instead of saying again what a terrible person I am on the Internet you could have written to me and asked you didn't instead you assume the worst speculated further and made yet more videos presuming that I'm a manipulator etc when I've been a hundred percent honest and direct with you despite the fact that Eugenie willing to not deserve such honesty again it's it's about treating people better than they deserve Shakespeare is a line about that you know yet treat treat each man according to his deserts and who should escape way whipping this is about treating people better than they deserve if you had taken five minutes to read the fine print on the donation website this is the crowdfunding website if you would think in five minutes to read the fine print on the crowdfunding website what would you have seen they promised to send the money fifth teen days after the fundraiser ends if you keep reading the fine print international bank transfers could make it 18 days etc thus at this time jun 29th i have not received one dollar from the fundraiser yet i haven't received any money from the crowdfunding website generosity calm in real life things take time international bank transfers take time and legal paperwork takes time to you've just said that you have enough experience with lawyers to know this but you choose to act like an idiot on the internet and to make malicious accusations against me because you think it will win you the adoration of your audience real people do real things I have never tried to be your friend what I've done is treated you with decency in my recent videos i've talked about tolerance but I've also talked about the importance of having a middle category of people who are neither your friends nor your enemies and the importance of treating those people with decency even if they offend you even if they hurt your feelings really my recent videos have had an important message for people like you and they've had an important message for you specifically