Charity & Insanity: Erin Janus & John St Julien.

04 March 2019 [link youtube]

A critique of John St Julien Baba Wanyama (not to mention Erin Janus); you can find his youtube channel here:

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#Vegan #Vegans #Veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

what is very important for you to know
about the pani Oakland is that it is your hyperdimensional Stargate your spiritual antenna your third eye it is your communication link to higher dimensions as time has gone on my ability and means and ways of communicating with God have evolved and grown exponentially from when it first begun now I understand ways that I can as I would call it lay down a fleece for example I can ask is this something that needs to happen please give me this sign and God will come back to me with a sign to let me know if this is the way I should go for something for the children or not I can ask in other ways and I'll receive a dream the reason I built this village for special-needs children is because I had a dream people who just refer to that kind of stuff as simply hallucinations I think that's a pretty ignorant claim so the pineal gland I have mentioned in many videos about this wondrous gland that is centered within the center of our brains it is often referred to as the third eye it is known in the Hindu faith quite clearly with the spot that is used in the middle of the head hi so I watch this video by this guy called how to decalcify your pineal gland he didn't actually talk about how to decalcify it at all what he said was basically the reason that we're not having conscious experiences astral projection awakenings is less to do with our high gland being calcified and more to do with our attitude vibrational state our habits and how much effort we actually put into it in the mind but here's why I completely disagree with that across all religions that have been depictions of sacred beings holding pine cones and the pine cone is a symbol of the pineal gland within ourselves now I've spoken in length predominantly on Christianity and how the pineal gland from all I can see is without any doubt mentioned within the scriptures of Christianity we're in the physical state right now so until you can put your hand through you are bound to be physical reactions of this dimension I mean if you're putting poisonous things in your body your physical pineal gland is going to react to that you have first and foremost in Jacob I have seen God face to face and I call that place Peniel now of course it's not spelled exactly the same as pineal gland but I cannot believe in a coincidence of such magnitude that this gland that all of the religions across the planet throughout millenia have seen as sacred is mentioned as a similar spelling within the Bible and does not mean the same thing what is very important for you to know about the Ponyo gland is that it is your hyperdimensional stargate your spiritual antenna your third eye it is your communication link to higher dimensions the pineal gland secretes melatonin and melatonin is only a few shifts and changes away from being DMT but also a melatonin is a skin lightener another thing your pineal gland does it naturally produces DMT which is dimethyltryptamine and that's naturally occurring psychedelic which is what allows you to have vivid dreams and visions people who just refer to that kind of stuff is simply hallucinations I think that's a pretty ignorant claim people who have healthy active pineal glands they are like antennas and they can receive symbols and signs and tap into other people's thoughts I mean it also ties into ESP extrasensory perception with this little gland in your head and it is as I say filled with fluid which has small tiny crystals within it it is ultimately your connection to higher dimensions of reality I am just going to tell you how to avoid calcification of your pineal gland how to detox it and one of the most important things to get fluoride out of your diet fluoride is magnetically attracted to the pond glands sodium fluoride it is not good for your teeth the lie is that it is good for your teeth it's actually toxic by-product totally attacks your pineal gland and basically shuts it down what 4i does is not only it calcifies your pineal gland but it collects all the heavy metals in your body led arsenic mercury aluminum weight lowers your IQ this is a Harvard study that finds fluoride oh it lowers your IQ the truth is fluoride is a poison and adding it to our drinking water is an evolving social experiment started 40 years ago when it comes to toothpaste if you do swallow contact a poison control center well the amount of Floyd that they're talking about is a pea-sized amount of fluoride that's the same amount of Floyd in 8 ounces of water fluoride it is toxic and you need to know about this I know it's banned in Europe but in Canada in the United States it's still very prevalent it's in a lot of tap water it's in your toothpaste it's in a lot of process for your junk food so you want to get rid of fluoride altogether get spring water or reverse osmosis God is not so ridiculous and not sawed childish as to put a portal to a demonic world inside of you and if you were then he's not very nice God busy another thing vaccinations I don't want to get into a whole vaccine debate but if there's a local flu shot unless you're like 95 years old and you're frail or don't get the flu shot I mean it's look up what's in a vaccine okay formaldehyde aluminum mercury all that bad stuff just bad stuff for you as time has gone on my ability and means and ways of communicating with God have evolved and grown exponentially from when it first began now I understand ways that I can as I would call it lay down a fleece for example I can ask is this something that needs to happen please give me this sign and God will come back to me with the same people who just refer to that kind of stuff is simply hallucinations I think that's a pretty ignorant claim [Music] I feel a lot of people are confusing me and and it's totally fine because there's in the Worman aspect of the the publicity of me and the things I've said about spiritual matters and vlogging my life here is the main channel where the fundraising has came in but that doesn't mean that I as in myself in the organization are one we are to a degree I and you know I build everything here you know literally envisioned all that's here myself and and with the team we build it so it's in my soul it's connected to me but myself and my beliefs are not connected to how we run this place because we are not wanting to do that we're only on all we want to do is help these children and help these dogs and help all the people who need help here and the other side of it the things I express and share online are my internal workings and my internal beliefs and systems that allow me as a human being to find the strength to keep doing this because this is not easy and especially at the moment while I'm chronically ill it's not easy it's very very difficult and I find myself I find it relaxing to share my feelings with the world I find it quite therapeutic for whatever reason I guess the camera became my friend while I was alone here without my wife for all those years in so much wear shape or form and the problem I have is now I think people are not seeing that area now I already in the past I've had people cancel support for children because of my personal views that were shared and I'm hoping by splitting and I'll still put the work on my channel because it's part of my life but by splitting the channel of making it clear this is the charities channel and this is the personal channel of the man who started it and he has his own beliefs but these are not the beliefs of the charity that can avoid this because at the end of the day when people cancel support for these children because they disagree with my stance on or they don't understand something someone near the dere said that they would cancel their support because here in Tanzania there are no supplements and thus you can't force children to be vegan because they'll become have problems and health problems and also it's wrong to raise children in such poverty on supplements because they will grow up and not be able to afford them and not nor to include the things in their diet that they need like having some eggs from time to time and the raw milk that everybody has here and fish etc and I had someone who said they wanted to cancel a support because of that and I was thinking well that's okay because I've got literally nowhere to keep these children healthy unless they do it you know this this is not the West and I know people might not understand if you're not being here but this is not Europe you can't expect everybody to be healthy never including anything that has omegas or b12 etc it's just not okay so I saw that my personal beliefs could have a negative effect on the children [Music]