The Respectable Face of Anti-Natalism.

31 October 2017 [link youtube]

You know, there are some really negative stereotypes about people who believe in anti-natalism. Period.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so it's like a nuclear plant kind of
thing and going in saying well meltdowns can happen we're going to accept that we haven't done everything we can do to stop it which is not making the plant and we're going to accept the risk now if we were told that you know ahead of time the nuclear plants will three of them will go bad out of say two hundred made oh maybe we would have said no no no no no we can't do this you got to come up with better numbers than that and what's are acceptable numbers so then you're in trouble again because the risk is going to be total in terms of it's going to be decisive on the individual you're gonna [ __ ] the thing going to get raped is gonna get raped completely this is not gonna be any doubt about it they're going to be imposed upon for your for your psychological problems to solve your psychological problems you're going to use them like some kind of stem cells or something you're gonna use them like some sort of fetus cream [ __ ] so let's all not have brains let's just have stomachs and sex organs and let's pretend that that should decide what we want to have happen in the world we should let our stomachs and our sex organs decide and the ego associated with the sex organ apparently this guy can't get it up you know if he hasn't made some babies you know it's sort of critical to his self-esteem somehow or you know he needs to play with babies you know that's a little creepy isn't it he wants to nurture them he loves them like Michael did [ __ ] okay yeah this notion that there's some sort of instinct besides me hungry me horny yeah no I'm sorry there really isn't cognition and imagining the reason where you know your mind react sure that wake up in the middle of the night you know where is my daughter than my daughter okay it's awful that's what it's like being bonded to a child you know it's and you know living it's because of the first year of my daughter's life those with her 24/7 I didn't even a job it was a full-time stay-at-home parent okay right then right there yes we're completely different human beings visit there isn't a male instinct it certainly isn't being a whatever duty a Swiper thing II know sometimes we watch YouTube that we make catty remarks yes see you see that's already right there caddy it's not a guy kind of work so I've just never in my life where I go oh yeah we stand around we make catty remarks it's like what girly boys do but whatever it's like what maybe you can get on that show whatever it's called the club or the what is that called the little hen is doing their little hanger thing you know whatever I was hanging with my professors at UVic it just was you Nick I went somewhere even if it was called like explicitly called you Vic I wouldn't call it a dark side come up with some other name for it see from high school yes who became a crackhead do you think so again it's now eight the question is do you think people with a genetic disorder and I guess her disorder would be liking having bad taste in men yeah that would be her disorder and so should they genetically reproduce so you know he's cutting the anti nail ISM some question about whether you should have a kid with claws for hands on purpose are one with Down syndrome or something like that that's not the subject so trivial so we'll just jump ahead a little bit see if there's anything that's before you lay eggs in it but sure I would be too like to have one one more kid I already got one I would be like that but not two not three no one and one doesn't equal two okay you know I mean it's for the my biological daughter I mean you know we have this weird situation she is my biological daughter but because the court dates have been so spread out is the French court systems in such a disaster because oh yeah so that this was the chick he banged before this chick apparently you know the other daughter reckless relationship that I create a kid in then the relationship breaks probably because he cheated on her some kind of [ __ ] and you know what responsibility do you take not oh I'm gonna blame the courts the courts are stopping me from being super daddy yeah [ __ ] you in any there's no reasoning that it all makes it sensible for me personally gonna profit from this incredible responsibility that would occupy every count every spare moment I have like oh maybe I'll watch a movie oh wait man I can't watch a movie cuz I have to plan to protect my children from all the horrors that exist in the world I have to make sure I'm gonna be there okay in case they're tight broke that I threw them on breaks I have to figure out the net I have to figure out a lot of things I have to be ready for this job so I can't have any free time anymore because I've got a [ __ ] responsibility you don't get it [ __ ] glib [ __ ] okay the fact that the entire kid could be born defective and that he could have a life circumstance that ruins him he becomes an alcoholic or some other kind of thing he you know hurts other people in his life and ends up tragically dying in a horrible way after living a cruddy life that doesn't bother you right cuz you're an [ __ ] maybe some people have no clue what their identity is what they were suited for they they don't have any kind of narrow road they would like to travel in terms of tastes they'll eat anything apparently sleep with anything apparently yeah uh-huh yeah yeah not me no because most of these [ __ ] fake vegans think nature is a wonderful place and it's just really cool that ten lion cubs for every lion cub that successfully gets to his first birthday ten of them get killed brutally that's good that's a good numbers where you complain about 30,000 dead little baby sea turtles for one sea turtle one 10,000 dead baby octopuses before they're a year old for what octopus this is what they want a sentence living things too is a quick brutal death get born brutally die get born brutally die and yeah humans get to do get born go through a whole bunch of horrible crap and divorces and all kinds of evil [ __ ] and then die [ __ ] you what retards save the crocodiles yes save the environment save the [ __ ] meat grinder the chrome-plated boorish insanely blood-soaked meat grinder Oh save it saving we must grind the meat oh you people are pathetically stupid I mean how bad does it have to be I mean I said I think these arguments I mean how brutally does your kid have to die before you say oh [ __ ] that wasn't worth it don't you if you can't live if you can't cope with life in Thailand you can't go a lot of people can't so they'll have a kid you know if you can't cope with life in Compton or if you have really I guess don't see that is it ok so it's not a logical decision it just has something to do with your personal sensibilities so if you like eating [ __ ] I mean you're a [ __ ] eater you really do enjoy it you should assume your kid will enjoy it and you should thrust him to a world where we [ __ ] and you should just assume that because you like it you can make him like it amazing [ __ ]