Moby vs. Natalie Portman: Scandal and/or Vegan Activism.

25 May 2019 [link youtube]

Yeah, Moby at age 33 was looking across a huge "age gap" at Natalie Portman, then aged 18, but now, 20 years later, the middle aged duo (vegan vs. vegan) are innovating a whole new sub-genre of "Lifestyle Activism"… "Scandal Activism"? Or, perhaps, "Gossip Activism"?

Youtube Automatic Transcription

when I meet men who date much younger
women like this my assumption about the men isn't that they're creepy because and how do you define good what does that really mean assumption what the men is that they're stupid relationships are about a lot more than physical attraction and sex they're also about being colleagues and washing the dishes together and cooking together and talking together and your common political views and values there's a lot that goes into it part of the reason for this kind of over-the-top vitriolic discourse about everything from women's rights to misogyny is because we don't want to use maybe a more blunt word like stupidity I mean let's let's call what it is dating an 18 year old when you're 33 is stupid but then of course this of course Mobe magically reinvents this into an opportunity to preach the vegan message as as we all would if I got caught sleeping with one of the cast members of Game of Thrones you know you know this is where I take it I feel like oh hey thanks for your interest in my sex scandal let me tell you about our Lord and Savior and of course you know the Internet provides us with a nearly infinite series of people lining up to with all due self-importance past their high-handed judgment on Moby tell us what what a terrible human being is is my favorite very short quote quote I followed you for animal rights I'm unfollowing you for women's rights if if it were a conservative right-wing Republican Christian senator who said that he feels his 18 year old daughter doesn't have the right to sleep with a famous musician a famous rock star and that at the top that's what Moby was he was that she was an 18 year old that she was an actress she was also wealthy she had agency she had a choice okay but if some stereotypical right-wing conservatives to that what what side of the argument would women's rights beyond I'm so wait does anyone else remember when there was literally a parade in Los Angeles called [ __ ] walk we were supposed to be moving past this like there were all kinds of disadvantages to the third wave feminist view of life on planet earth but I thought that one of the advantages was that we understood that women having the choice of who they want to sleep with which is gonna include looking back and regretting it sometimes twenty years later but that's on the woman's right side of you honey so with absolute seriousness I [ __ ] you for animal rights I'm unfollowing you for women's rights okay so more a more moderate voice coming out of the cacophony oMFG why are you trying to deflect at the end of so hard so the deflection is of course vegan lifestyle activism at its finest this is how to turn your stupid memoir about seducing a teenage movie star into propaganda for the movement that's he's deflecting no okay but it's it's a huge part of his current Instagram it's a small part of his memoir but it's a huge part of his current vegan activist like while this car diversity is going on he's filming himself at the US House of Congress or something he's going and like lobbying the American government nobody cares nobody cares what we do people just want to hear about somebody you banged 20 years ago people wanna hear but a love affair you had in 1999 that's it oMFG what are you trying to deflect at the end is so hard this has nothing to do with anything else you've been called out for misogyny the first comment led us to question the meaning of women's rights in 2013 now we have to question the meaning of misogyny so I mean the fundamental hatred against them here is based on the misconception that Mobe is way less attractive than Natalie Portman like it's not even the age gap it's like the perceived attractiveness gap that's really what people are hating on for guys it's it's illusion versus reality time I'm sorry to do this to you okay just just take a look I'm sorry guys if I do I do actually have some viewers who listening to this podcasts I have some visually impaired viewers I'm sorry there's no way I can communicate to you other than showing you the contrast between these four this is the reality of who Natalie Portman really is no no it's it's a perversion the idea that Natalie Portman is fundamentally too good for a movie but again even if she is too good it's irrelevant it's her choice people fall in love for all kinds of reasons despite all kinds of barriers between them maybe one's rich and ones poor or maybe one's beautiful and what's ugly whatever it may be okay you may say from your perspective he's too old for you or he's too ugly for you it's not your choice misogyny it's nothing look sir a lot of these words okay at least the misogyny is more honest than creepy I think the real problem with with creep and creepy is a lack of accuracy nobody can ever defend themselves against because it's never it's never particular enough it's not clear what you really mean in this case I think it's misleading and false but misogyny that it was misogyny for him to sleep with her and apparently misogyny for him to mention it because it really is just mentioned in his autobiography written about 20 years later okay don't try to say women's rights aren't as important as other movements clearly you just don't think women's rights is a cause worthwhile this is not over men keep preying upon women period you creeped on a young teenager and then bragged to the world you have no respect for her or women pure your behavior is disgusting and if you want to bring animals into this to try to deflect from women again if you care about animals you need to stop portraying vegans like this you're making all of us look like swear words so if this if this is what misogyny looks like so be it I mean apparently it's misogyny for him to put up this photograph clearing his own name I mean the question he asked the way he put it was we have a problem where people believe allegations but don't believe he'll vote but don't believe evidence so it's okay so somebody makes allegations but his side of the story has evidence there were witnesses that were photo so here's a photograph okay but now now allegedly you're a misogynist for sharing this photograph of you I don't know I guess kind of half hugging Natalie Portman okay so here's a comment again this is a little bit more moderate still Jesus she was 17 in 1999 depends she turned 18 depending on the month she could've been 17 she go to 18 we don't know Mogi was 33 she was also a very wealthy movie star I believe it's in that year she was filming or starring in at the Phantom Menace so Wilson just she'd already been in several blockbuster mainstream films but probably the single biggest budget movie of the year she had options and movie also had options and she chose him so you can fault her for having bad taste right we continue so she was 17 or 18 and 1999 Moby was 33 quote unquote dating or not that age difference is a little bit creeping Moby you might have been better off to keep this on the DL now this woman says of herself when I was a precocious 16 year old I had a brief thing with a man in his 30s in retrospect knowing my naive to add that age I just think of him now as a creepy predator I would not describe what we had as dating in any sense of the word don't get me wrong love your music love your political stance but I do not love this men in the 30s should not pursue teenagers no matter how quote/unquote mature they seem their kids when I meet men who date much younger women like this my assumption about the men isn't that they're creepy because in how do you define good what does that really mean assumption what the men is that they're stupid so this has been talked about a lot various celebrity controversy lately why do some men as they get older and older keep on dating women who kind of just finished high school or just barely into college or whatever it is and you know relationships are about a lot more than physical attraction and sex they're also about being colleagues and washing the dishes together and cooking together and talking together and your common political views and values there's a lot that goes into it and yeah I think there are men who are so stupid and so fragile in their egos that they seek out or continue having relationships with much much younger women so that they're not challenged so they feel they're in control mmm you know I you know life's full of contradictions of course it's a generalization what I'm just saying but I mean maybe part of the reason for this kind of over-the-top vitriolic discourse about everything from women's rights to misogyny is because we don't want to use maybe a more blunt word like stupidity I mean let's let's call what it is dating an 18 year old when you're 33 is stupid it makes you look stupid so in this picture right here you know mo bu you look stupid this is him with Natalie Portman and a birthday cake or something I don't know I know I hope it's a vegan cake whatever some kind of cake they together now if that were me with natalie portman where both were both jewish people with legit ask is that your daughter they would they would legit ask it maybe they'd ask is that your granddaughter like you know it is it is what it is but like even even just looking at her face here what do you think they talked about after this photo was taken science or history or my what what she did in math class this week like you know where is this where is this really gonna go so yeah I mean I I do judge guys who date you know 18 year olds I do so here's here's mobis commentary dear trolls Wilin flattered by the attention I just don't know if it's the best use of your time and your life hating a stranger based on a previously limited information I mean when you were on your deathbed do you really want to thank at least I spent my time hating strangers on social media I hear you but I don't feel you movie I can say but then of course this of course Moby magically reinvents this into an opportunity to preach the vegan message as as we all would if I got caught sleeping with one of the cast members of Game of Thrones no you know this is where I take it I feel like oh hey thanks for your interest in my sex scandal let me tell you about our Lord and Savior vegan Asst hopefully I totally do the same thing movie absolutely no doubt okay this one has just titled a message I certainly haven't enjoyed this last week but it's reminded me of a couple of things one our sense of self and well-being really shouldn't come from the opinions of strangers personally I think I'd become too reliant on external validation especially in the form of social media trust me that has ended and too my problems are tiny and insignificant especially in a world where over 100 billion animals are killed by and for human beings every year and we're facing largely unprecedented environmental destruction and degradation for a long time my primary goal has been to be a better and more effective activist who knows maybe the insanity of this last week will somehow help me to do that it certainly does seem that for me or any of us to a says over social media when the world is truly a falling apart is an unethical mist of time signed mobi but PS a reminder none of our concerns will matter if the climate keeps rising if the rainforest keeps disappearing and species continue to go extinct your longbow be your it matters we want to know what she's 17 or was she 18 what he's loved with her in 1999 was that before or after they wrapped filming on the Phantom Menace which tour was it when she came into your what really matters movie that's what really matters what matters isn't our ethical conduct making the world a better place and coming better people ourselves know what matters is us judging you is us tearing you down is us letting you know how morally superior we are to you who do you think you are don't you know who I think I am and the internet is not even as finite as a pad of paper people will never run out of blank space on Instagram to type it it's self aggrandizing opinions yeah is there a world of the story um well the story is you know what if you're an entertainer in the 21st century your whole life is entertainment I tend to think that Moby really is just sitting back and having a laugh at this I find it very difficult to imagine a man at his age a man who knows the slings and arrows of being insulted by Eminem and confronting mmm at the MTV Video Music Awards and maybe 2001 that goes way back you remember that the Moby versus Eminem clash you don't remember that hey hey hey that was the talk of the town whether or not that I should have a fist fight or something each was accusing the other of being a homosexual and stuff it was not those were the days those are the days when two men could accuse each other of being homosexuals and not be called a misogynist or an opponent um if you are an entertainer in the 21st century your whole life for better and for worse is entertainment and in mobis case it's for better because one part of his life is veganism and vegan activism and that's also entertainment and that message is also getting out he started a small restaurant in Los Angeles was to promote that message and it's for worse in that something he thought was probably a completely harmless set of remarks in his autobiography turns out to be this storm of controversy and why is it a storm of controversy I think it's partly because a lot of people especially women have regrets like the one I quoted a lot of people have memories whether it's when they were 16 or 18 or whatever they had memories from early in their life of relationships with older people and they now look back at that and they're full of remorse and regret and they feel powerless when they think of how young they were at that time and they think maybe their life could be different today if they hadn't done that when they were 16 17 or 18 right and we don't know but it's definitely possible that Natalie Portman is one of those women who Nell looks back at those experiences in her teenage years and thinks she felt she was powerful she felt she was in control but now she has the bitterest looking back and feeling that she was powerless I mean people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know