Pirates: Pewdiepie, Brittany Pettibone & Martin Sellner.

06 April 2019 [link youtube]

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this video is not about PewDiePie making
racist jokes or neo-nazi humor that's a story that's already been told and if the story will have to come back to you with the inclusion in this video but it's about I think the more interesting and serious point that there are links between PewDiePie and what you can call real right-wing neo-nazi racist activists in his coverage of this story I think that the progressive voice skipped over one of the most interesting and damning links between PewDiePie and the far-right the link from PewDiePie to Brittney Pettibone and then from Britney Pettibone to Martin's seller now Britney Pettibone is not six degrees of separation removed from art and Sellner she's engaged to marry him he appears on her channel his racist neo-nazi message is broadcast on her channel constantly she presents some apologia and support videos for his career as a politician and given that they're engaged to be married I'm gonna go it on a limb here and say they're probably sleeping together Britney Pettibone is indeed in the anti-feminist hard conservative Catholic trad thought category and yet I never hear her talking about remaining a virgin or remaining celibate until marriage so wild speculation on my part um but if you were to ask yourself why does PewDiePie support Britney Pettibone why does he follow her on Twitter why does he watch her YouTube videos it is not going to be for this type of n80 feminist female solidarity video well we might have to wade through a few fake female friendships to find the authentic ones if we're willing to do this our lives will likely be changed for the better not every woman is good but every woman has the potential to be good and if we're good women ourselves we're more than likely to attract other good women or to help struggling women become better earlier some of you might have been surprised to hear me use the word activist here on YouTube anyone can call themselves an activist and often enough it doesn't really connect to any sort of action quote in the summer of 2017 this identity harian group led by martin Sellner raised over 150 thousand British pounds put that into your local currency guys this is a lot of money one hundred fifty thousand British pounds through crowdfunding to charter a boat in the Mediterranean to target non-governmental organisations that patrol the sea to rescue migrants in peril so they wanted to have a boat to sabotage the efforts of other boats at saving people's lives who were in unsafe boats good luck dodging a murder charge on that one if it works if people's lives are at risk at sea and you are intervening your form of activism is to make their lives more at risk doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how you could even be judged guilty of piracy and no I don't mean making a copy of a Britney Spears CD for your little sister I want to be a pirate so the acronym GI here indicates that they are using identitarian politics as a placeholder for racism they claim that their form of white nationalism is not racist it's merely identitarian and as you can see they're making quite a lot of money out of that ploy anyway so his group said it would arrest illegal migrants yes isn't it great when people who are in no way connected the police authorities talk about arrests he said it would arrest illegal migrants and sink their boats you're literally pirates on the high seas no you don't have the legal authority to arrest people that's the police and you don't have the authority to shoot down and sink vessels on the high seas that would be the Navy yeah tell it to the judge its campaign received the backing of a neo-nazi web site former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and a leading whip American Way surprises you don't say I don't know you might think that cosplay activists who want to get back to pirates the Caribbean would support this maybe people are just Pro murder I don't know a whole the forms of activism this is one of the hardest to defend and yet compared to say vegan activism it seems to be remarkably profitable for them to do all right it didn't quite go to plan though the boat was detained and the captain was arrested accused of having illegal Sri Lankan refugees on board and false documents moving on a few months later gee I paid for a red helicopter to land on the crisp white snow of the French Alps flanked by 100 activists from across Europe a massive poster was laid out telling migrants to go home well this least is nonviolent but the attention of the final sentence here this stunt cost more than fifty thousand British pounds think it's more than sixty five thousand US dollars this is big business it's the activism there's a lot of public support for and yeah in some ways we shouldn't be surprised that some people you know who are just publicly associated with video games and not politics like PewDiePie are indeed linked to this so the length from PewDiePie - Britney Pettibone then from Pettibone - Martin Sellner let me put it this way if PewDiePie was your brother cousin uncle if he was a friend of yours if he was a co-worker of yours this would be something you should try to talk to about him I say on this channel all the time sympathy is an analytical tool it's hard to have a sympathetic reaction that works someone when they make a neo-nazi joke and that is by the way what PewDiePie did you guys have probably heard this I don't have to read this out so I'll just put the put the text on screen here it's certainly hard to respond in a sympathetic way and yet if you know people like this face-to-face that's exactly what you have to do you had like let's say Ruben Crowder Shapiro Peterson okay but why are you following why are you following Stefon and outright white nationalists and a white supremacist Brittany Pettibone a white nationalist Lauren southern a white nationalist who was arrested for throwing flares at a migrant boat and had peddled a conspiracy that white Europeans were being replaced by brown people which led to the radicalization that ended up killing nearly 50 people of fifty Muslim people so why are you following the people dude I don't understand the moral of this story and my conclusion this video is not to tell you to unsubscribe from PewDiePie or to go on Twitter and demonstrate your sense of moral superiority over PewDiePie I think that accomplishes nothing what I'd like to suggest in fact is that whether we're talking about PewDiePie himself or someone you may know in real life friend brother uncle co-worker if you see these red flags reach out to somebody reach out to them and try to have a positive connection that's gonna turn them away from fascism neo-nazism racism etc because who do you think is gonna do it if not you then who I remember I had a co-worker and he made anti-semitic comments and you know I was much younger than I was in my first year of university it was not easy for me to do I was not really well-spoken and self-discipline the way I am now but I remember you know I said to him look you know it's not just because ethnicity is gonna talk to you this way no one else is gonna give you the opportunity to talk this through but I mean you know what are you doing here think about what this means and where this is leading you the joke from PewDiePie the jokes he made in the past that were racist and even specifically Nazi they don't necessarily mean that that person making that joke is on this slippery slope towards being a Nazi but they may be sometimes they are sometimes when there's smoke there's fire the type of length that PewDiePie has - Britney Pettibone and thus - a current ethno nationalist white supremacist movement in Europe it may be for research purposes I mean you know you shouldn't jump to the harshest of conclusions you shouldn't just announce people partly because denouncing people doesn't really accomplish anything anyway I'm vegan it's definitely possible to get a photograph of me standing in front of a swastika because here in Taiwan vegan restaurants have swastikas on the signs I mean you know you can take things out of contact zel Wow here's this picture of this guy he's a bald white guy standing in front of a bean restaurant it doesn't look so good well guess what in Taiwan because you spy those restaurants just to indicate that they're devout Buddhist that symbol was around before Nazism it's going to continue after I'm not really endorsing what's called nail cancel culture I think I'm endorsing a reaching out a sympathetic culture of actually trying to do something positive and in this case where there's smoke there is fire I don't think pewdiepie is connected to Britney Pettibone because he's interested in her dating and marriage advice I don't think he's following these people on Twitter and on YouTube for any other reason and in this case it turns out with the passage of time we've seen he wasn't making neo-nazi jokes for no reason at all either at the very least when someone makes racist in neo-nazi jokes it indicates that they think those jokes would be funny or that they want to reach out to an audience who would find those jokes funny who would approve of them I don't think that the purpose of interacting with other people on the internet or in real life is to take their soul and put it in a balance and decide whether they're good or evil I just think that's counterproductive but when you see these signs when you see these red flags it's an opportunity for you to reach out and do something positive and that's a form of activism that won't cost you fifty thousand pounds it won't cost you a dollar it won't cost you a dime people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know