Sargon is WRONG: Why Everyone is Joining the Left.

05 April 2018 [link youtube]

Sargon of Akkad, previously, made a video entitled, "Why is Everyone Leaving the Left?", and here's the link to it:

The title of this video is, of course, somewhat self-referential: I'd prefer not to be "Left", but I basically have no choice (definitely not in Canada!), and, thus, I'm an example of someone "joining the left" myself, despite (e.g.) my prior video entitled, "Why I am not Left Wing".

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys it always seems like a cheap
shot to me to say to people this guy's problem is he doesn't read books this guy's problem is he doesn't study history or a famous phrase in the vegan movement this person isn't learning the lessons of history it's so it's so trite it's so shallow but you know this is the 21st century and often enough the problem I really do need to address is that somebody you know hasn't been reading books now you know why is that increasingly a problem partly it's just cuz bucks have a lot of competition these days I mean there are a lot of other ways you can get information you can stay current you can stay contemporary and you can stay feeling cosmopolitan and plugged into what's going on without reading books but there are disadvantages to this kind of elective illiteracy and I see them across the political spectrum and I see them especially in this kind of I don't know X left-winger movement I mean look veganism is a political movement and there is a counter movement of X vegans islam has to deal with the counter movement of X Muslims I guess it's not so surprising that broadly speaking the left has to deal with X leftists but I see a narrative being spun a propaganda claim being purported by many people on YouTube including sargon of akkad that somehow the left-wing has gotten worse and worse and worse during his lifetime what you think is approximately the same as my lifetime and it's not true and for anyone out there who still reads books it should be resoundingly obvious how hollow specious and misleading this this claim is Sargon can you remember the days when the left-wing was defined by making excuses for the atrocities carried out by the Soviet Union this is some slang that hasn't been used much since the early 1990s but one of the insults against left wingers was to refer to them as tanki's that's ta NK keys at tanki was an insult meaning you are somebody who still makes excuses for the Soviet Union when they roll tanks on peaceful protesters that's that's shortened down to a one word and so this one was a tanky so even when the Soviets were brutally repressive dissent for example in the Czech Republic but anywhere in Europe in Asia in Afghanistan of course within within the Soviet Union within Russia there was a time when the left-wing discourse was dominated by surreal apologetics for communism for economic theories that made no sense got no results or in some cases were directly linked to causing mass starvation I've lived through a series of incredibly dark and dismal periods in the left-wing there was this period of sort of I'd say post communist recuperation when the Communists couldn't sorry sorry I'm saying communist allies who were crypto communists when people on the Left couldn't naked Lee use Marxist sources anymore they couldn't directly use socialist reasoning and they instead turned to Hegel and Hegelian ISM and you had leftist Hegelian as it was obscene it was grotesque you can't believe how awful that period was on the Left I'm sorry if you didn't live through it I really mean that honestly there is no way right now you can go on Google or go on YouTube and see how awful that was because that period of the left-wing was not preserved on YouTube it was unbelievably mind-blowing awful can any of you guys remember the attempt of the left-wing to rehabilitate Immanuel Kant the philosophy of kantianism like a political content ism again because they had this period of not being able to directly work with or from marxist and social sources and you know then after that finally i don't know when it started I guess maybe sometime after the rise and fall of the Occupy Wall Street movement I think we had a return to naked honest Marxism Marxism calling itself Marxism and other people being naked Lee and honest anti-marxist being you know left-wing but openly pro-capitalist probe free markets and so on you you want to tell me that the current era went there is no doubt the single greatest proponent of the mainstream left is Bernie Sanders globally no doubt yes there's also Jeremy Corbyn in England there are specific leaders everywhere of course Italy Sweden Taiwan Hong Kong of course but we're done with the English language world the english-speaking world and you know even if we're talking in a global abstraction of all languages the outstanding figure of the present era is Bernie Sanders and other left wingers can situate themselves relative to the norm established by by Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders he doesn't have all the answers Bernie Sanders doesn't even have all the right questions but he's a tremendously positive figure for the left in contrast to Barack Obama in contrast to the incredibly dark and dismal period that followed after the collapse of Soviet Communism 1989 and in contrast to the unbelievably hypocritical and immoral period of making excuses for barbarism barbaric mass murder mass starvation lies and communist propaganda that went from world war ii at least up to 1989 i mean certainly some people were already making those pro-communist statements going back to 1917 and so on but there was certainly a distinctive era from world war ii up till 1989 and you know those old habits die hard partly because those habits were paid for by donors who was accustomed to giving money to keep that propaganda cycle going in the western world so serve out of a cad i think you've got a real short memory i think you got a real thin skin and i think you're focused on some of the shallowest epiphenomena of the left-wing on social media you know this stuff you're complaining about it adds up to nothing and I think a sincere and somewhat deep engagement with the contrast we're looking at now between the era of Barack Obama they of the era of Tony Blair what a dark day for anyone left-of-centre the Tony Blair era was when the leap it's indescribable have you wet so I can't I don't know if you people read books have you read the stakeholder society by Tony Blair I have the stakeholder society by Tony Blair was the equivalent of mine Kampf for left-wingers who wanted to sell out the left-wing to corporate interests it really is I mean it's everything that today jimmy dore complains about within the Democrat Party in the United States I was this is a British source it's really a lightning rod you look back on that and see where that era began and why it eventually had to end and yes the era we have now whether it's articulate years of Jeremy Corbyn bike by no means is right about everything by no means has all the answers been no means yes question Jeremy Corbyn and and and Bernie Sanders this is an unbelievably optimistic time to be engaged with the left and don't let anyone tell you on the basis of snidey two comments on Twitter and YouTube videos that that's not the case I want to say guys you can click below this video and see my playlists I have one video it's simply titled why I am NOT left-wing but I feel like putting up a video saying look this is why I've still got to hang out around the entrance to the left-wing club because there's nowhere else for me to hang right now there is no alternative and for people who don't have the money or the clout to start their own political party if you care about health care prison reform due process of the law elections corruption if you're an anti-corruption if you care about ecology the environment deforestation water pollution air pollution if you care about animal rights if you care about indigenous peoples it's deeply troubling to me that in so many countries the left has a monopoly on these issues I wish they had competition from the center from the right from some from Buddhist organizations whatever from some new political paradigm I'd love it if there was a lively competition to represent these issues outside of the left but for most of us we have to face up the fact that there isn't so either you're gonna take a stand to fight for the future of the Democrat Party within the United States the Liberal Party or the Labour Party depending on where you live you know either you're gonna fight to reshape the future of the left wing or it seems to me you're just gonna give up unless you're in that tiny minority of people who can create their own rules play their own game and start their own party guess what Bernie Sanders is one of those people but even he is still choosing to play the game within the Democrat Party because even he doesn't think he can start his own thing